Catholic Church

The Catholic Church, sometimes referred to as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church, with approximately 1.3 billion baptised Catholics worldwide as of 2018. As the world's oldest and largest continuously functioning international institution, it has played a prominent role in the history and development of Western civilization. The church consists of almost 3,500 dioceses around the world. The pope, who is the Bishop of Rome (and whose titles also include Vicar of Jesus Christ and Successor of St. Peter), is the chief pastor of the church, entrusted with the universal Petrine ministry of unity and correction. The …



PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 22 December 2024 English

Instead, large numbers of people have denounced the betrayal of the memory of the Canadians and all those who fought and died to defeat the fascist scourge, and all of …

Aloysius Stepinac, a Croatian prelate of the Catholic Church, who during World War II supported the Nazis

DRV: Durvile Publications · 17 December 2024 English

The Art of Making: Rediscovering the Blackfoot Legacy is a captivating entry into Jared Tailfeathers’ quest of cultural reclamation. Accompanied by his family and loyal dogs, Tailfeathers delves into his …

St. Paul, Alberta, on land provided by the Catholic Church. The Métis do not have title to this land

MiningWatch Canada · 16 December 2024 English

Although immediate responsibility for the evictions The company should also engage, together with the and the associated abuses lies with the government government, in a constructive dialogue with the people …

group, which included stakeholders such as the Catholic Church and other churches and considered various aspects representatives; • SOKIMO representative; • Catholic Church Representative – Secretary; • Host Sites Representatives public. The second aspect was a two-way • Catholic Church Representative – Secretary; free flow exchange took place on 10 February 2011 at the Aungba Catholic Church. Following these engagements, villages were resettlement site, which aspects such as the Roman Catholic Church site still under construction, the main school

FCPP: Frontier Centre for Public Policy · 29 November 2024 English

The result was the fiscal crisis of the mid-1990s, in which the federal government had to cut social benefits to avoid devaluation of the Canadian dollar, and the run-away inflation …

an emancipation from the influence of the Catholic Church has evolved towards a secular stance of government genders—despite his citing of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in a Catholic school. This 5. “Private” schools

FNEC: First Nations Education Council · 27 November 2024 English

The FNEC collaborates with various partners, including the Assembly of First Nations, the regional commissions and organizations of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador, the Education Branch of Indigenous Services …

was no longer “part of the teaching of the Catholic Church,” all the while insisting that it is important

DDN: Dundurn Press · 12 November 2024 English

The political life of Dene leader Georges Erasmus — a radical Native rights crusader widely regarded as one of the most important Indigenous leaders of the past fifty years. For …

Rae (Behchokò˛) hospital operated by the Catholic Church. She was a gifted seamstress who made moccasins

UOP: University of Ottawa Press · 12 November 2024 English

01 02 Dangling in the Glimmer of Hope: Academic Action on Truth and Reconciliation demonstrates actions academics have taken in relation to some of the Calls to Action of the …

remained a Catholic until her death. The Catholic Church remains the only institution which did not

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

Approaching the novels of early Quebec through the counterintuitive lens of the sacred, Lisa Gasbarrone challenges negative views of these novels as dated and even unreadable for the contemporary reader. …

or the not so “small context” that is the Catholic Church in Quebec. And finally, I need to explain Maria Chapdelaine and other works.34 The Catholic Church in Quebec casts a long shadow over the novels my work to account for the history of the Catholic Church in Quebec, and needless to say, I have no

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

Vancouver, British Columbia, now reports “no religion” as its leading religious identity, putting it in the vanguard of a trend happening across North America. What does this mean for the …

largest Christian denomination, the Roman Catholic Church, has closed four hundred and fifty parishes

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

Through detailed analyses of nineteenth-century spirit photography, horror films, ghost-hunting reality television, and the viral internet phenomenon “Slender Man,” Poetics of the Paranormal shows how the figure of the ghost …

a portfolio of evidence to present to the Catholic Church in order to justify an exorcism. As these

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