
An election is a formal group decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual or multiple individuals to hold public office.Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy has operated since the 17th century. Elections may fill offices in the legislature, sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional and local government. This process is also used in many other private and business organizations, from clubs to voluntary associations and corporations.The universal use of elections as a tool for selecting representatives in modern representative democracies is in contrast with the practice in the democratic archetype, …



NSP: New Society Publishers · 25 June 2024 English

Deep polarization in our society prevents us from working collaboratively to solve the problems we face. The Solutionary Way offers a practical approach, providing clear and achievable methods to bridge …

they almost never win national elections and rarely win local elections. Yet it’s silly to think there

UCP: University of Calgary Press · 15 June 2024 English

Since the first edition of this popular text was published in 1984, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has transformed the role of the courts in Canadian politics. Addressing current …

view, the people had already spoken in earlier elections. In doing so, they had selected representatives citizens through fresh elections: Canada and Nova Scotia. All others held fresh elections, even if in some some cases the elections may have been held reluctantly. Today, the 1982 amending formula clarifies the voters to foresee “with fair certainty” how elections are to be organized and how political parties

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 June 2024 English

Separated by the world’s longest land border and engaging in over three billion dollars in trade daily, Canada and the United States share security concerns, cultural interests, and a history …

Canadians viewed the 2000 and 2004 US presi- dential elections helps illustrate the extent of the shift in public

UAP: University of Alberta Press · 6 June 2024 English

Feministing in Political Science examines what is at stake in contesting the boundaries of the contemporary university. This critique of mainstream Canadian political science pushes beyond typical studies of institutions …

member of Parliament, sought to amend the Canada Elections Act by addressing the political underrepresentation

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 4 June 2024 English

Voting Online investigates the effects of cyber elections by looking at how adoption of online voting affects attitudes towards democracy, who uses and who benefits from the voting mode, the extent to

16 Political Engagement in Canadian City Elections Edited by R. Michael McGregor and Laura Online Technology and Democracy in Municipal Elections Nicole Goodman, Helen A. Hayes, R. Michael Online Technology and Democracy in Municipal Elections Nicole Goodman Helen A. Hayes R. Michael McGregor online : technology and democracy in municipal elections / Nicole Goodman, Helen A. Hayes, R. Michael Internet voting—Ontario—Case studies. | lcsh: Local elections Ontario—Case studies. | lcsh: Voting—Ontario—Case

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 24 May 2024 English

Detailing an eventful year that saw the IGF Secretariat deliver several new publications, workshops, and events for its growing membership.

Executive Committee IGF Executive Committee elections resulted in new members from Peru, Sweden, and

CIRANO: Centre for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations · 23 May 2024 French

L’étude s’appuie sur un vaste ensemble de données et d’informations incluant des entrevues et sondages réalisés auprès de gestionnaires, de membres du personnel et de résidents de RPA, et des …

bénévolat, organiser des débats de candidats lors des élections dans les résidences. - réponse donnée par un(e)

Conseil du statut de la femme · 17 May 2024 French

Conseil du statut de la femme Commentaires sur le projet de loi no 57 visant à protéger les personnes élues et à favoriser l’exercice sans entraves de leurs fonctions Mai …

politique, comme soulevé dans son récent mémoire à Élections Québec (CSF, 2024) et dans son étude sur l’hostilité l’Assemblée nationale n’a été atteinte qu’après les élections de 2018 (42 % de femmes élues) et de 2022 (46

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 17 May 2024 English

Despite most policy-makers' belief that GDP growth is the primary measure of success, the true core factors of economic progress are capital assets—human, natural, produced, financial, and social capital. These …

Table 3. Voter turnout in the last six national elections ............................................. Since 1995, Ethiopia has conducted six national elections (Table 4). The voting age population was about actually turned out to vote. Over the subsequent elections, the country’s population almost doubled, and than in 1995 (63.4% versus 76.0%). In all six elections, voter turnout rates were high by international Table 3. Voter turnout in the last six national elections Year Population Voting age population Registered

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 17 May 2024 English

GDP growth suggests sound economic development in Trinidad and Tobago from 1995 to 2020. In contrast, a study of the nation's comprehensive wealth paints a picture of moderate progress at …

Tobago scored highly on three: free and fair elections, cleavage/conflict management, and the performance management. Despite scoring highly in free and fair elections, cleavage/conflict management, and democratic Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2022. 2022 2020 Free and fair elections Civil rights Performance of democratic institutions

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