Energy Resources

World energy consumption is the total energy produced and used by humans. Typically measured per year, it involves all energy harnessed from every energy source applied towards activity across all industrial and technological sectors, in every country. It does not include energy from food. World energy consumption has implications for the socio-economic-political sphere. Institutions such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), and the European Environment Agency (EEA) record and publish energy data periodically. Improved data and understanding of world energy consumption may reveal systemic trends and patterns, which could help frame current energy issues …



IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 25 June 2024 English

This study evaluates the feasibility of switching from liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) stoves to induction stoves in urban Indonesian households, focusing on cooking practices, energy demand, and cost. Using the …

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 12 June 2024 English

The costs and capabilities of grid-located batteries have improved dramatically in recent years and could play an import role in South Africa's electricity system. This report examines the challenges facing …

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 12 June 2024 English

Governments are due to submit their third nationally determined contributions (NDCs) in 2025. These will be the first since the landmark agreement at COP 28 to transition away from fossil …

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 6 June 2024 English

Nigeria's growing population is in need of wide-ranging solutions to the multidimensional poverty it faces. This IISD report outlines the risks that Nigeria faces in forging ahead with a dash …

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 6 June 2024 English

In the third year of Russia's invasion, Ukraine has suffered enormous damages, with some sectors—such as buildings and infrastructure—particularly badly hit. The reconstruction effort presents an opportunity for Ukraine to …

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 4 June 2024 English

Public finance is a key tool used by governments to fund critical infrastructure needed to transition to renewable energy as well as direct capital and influence private investors' decisions. Ending …

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 30 May 2024 English

A collaboration between University College London and IISD shows that existing fossil fuel capacity is sufficient to meet the 1.5°C-aligned energy demand. The article recommends a "No New Fossil Fuels" …

APF: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada · 23 May 2024 English

Pension Fund Investments in the Asia Pacific

electric power from non-fossil-fuel-based energy resources by 2030. While its recently completed or planned

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 23 May 2024 English

Natural resources play fundamental roles in our well-being and lives. Oceans, forests, lakes, rivers, and grasslands—and the biodiversity they support—contribute to nourishing us, regulating air quality, cleansing water, and myriad …

economic, and cultural. Minerals, timber, and energy resources, for example, are important sources of income

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 17 May 2024 English

GDP growth suggests sound economic development in Trinidad and Tobago from 1995 to 2020. In contrast, a study of the nation's comprehensive wealth paints a picture of moderate progress at …

renewable forms of wealth—including renewable energy resources— is imperative if the country aims to ensure

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