
Fascism () is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, democracy, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far right within the traditional left–right spectrum.Fascists saw World War I as a revolution that brought massive changes to the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. The advent of total war and the total mass …



UAP: University of Alberta Press · 5 April 2024 English

In The Cancer Plot, Reginald Wiebe and Dorothy Woodman examine the striking presence of cancer in Marvel comics. Engaging comics studies, medical humanities, and graphic medicine, they explore this disease …

becoming a communist, and later returning to fascism) is visually signified by his skinless face and

CIGI: Centre for International Governance Innovation · 24 January 2024 English

practitioners of statecraft in Assyria, India and China1 → States and non-state actors are engaged in a warn us that the word is mightier than the sword, quest for narrative …

information networks pervasive. Communism and fascism gestated for decades → Defend a free and open global

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 24 December 2023 French

Elle demande également au secrétaire général des Nations unies de nommer un coordinateur de l'aide humanitaire et de la reconstruction chargé « de faciliter, de coordonner, de contrôler et de …

génération d'une perspective lui permettant d'apprécier les sacrifices faites par la résistance des peuples du monde au fascisme tactiques nazies, la résistance du peuple palestinien devient primordiale, s'inspirant de la résistance mondiale contre le fascisme

UAP: University of Alberta Press · 1 December 2023 English

Leaving Other People Alone reads contemporary North American Jewish fiction about Israel/Palestine through an anti-Zionist lens. Aaron Kreuter argues that since Jewish diasporic fiction played a major role in establishing …

no guarantee that nations are inclined towards fascism, there is also no guarantee that diasporas are our contemporary world. With the resurgence of fascism and xenophobia, combined with the coming (and “Particularism plus power yields tribal warfare or fascism” (706). A diasporic society would be one based write: If particularism plus power tends toward fascism, then universalism plus power produces imperialism

OFL: Ontario Federation of Labour · 15 November 2023 English

2 // ONTARIO FEDERATION OF LABOUR – VISION DOCUMENT UNIVERSAL, ACCESSIBLE, AND WELL-FUNDED PUBLIC SERVICES The deregulation of financial districts, the expansion of unfair trade and investment deals, the destabilization …

same way. It is compounded by the realities of fascism, colonialism, racism, bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia settler-colonialism, right-wing populism, imperialism, fascism, and others › Eliminating systemic anti-Indigenous

FCPP: Frontier Centre for Public Policy · 2 November 2023 English

Human rights codes emerged in the aftermath of the atrocities of the Second World War and during the rise of the civil rights movement in the United States. [...] Specifically: …

Western religions—including modern forms, such as fascism and Marxism—have been able 83 to reach consensus

Wilson Center Canada · 27 October 2023 English

In a moment where bilateral regulatory mistrust threatens to dismantle many of the financial ties built-up over the last three decades, understanding the mindset of the Chinese regulator becomes all …

instance, tells the story of joint struggles against fascism during WWII, featuring interviews with Putin and introduced it as a story of shared sacrifices against fascism in the Second World War, noting that the two nations

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 25 October 2023 English

We in occupied Palestine -- and all Palestinians -- have no illusions in the poetic dreams of the triumph of the pen over the sword because the sword has cut …

Palestinians stood boldly in the face of colonial fascism and screamed in defense of their homes, humanity zionist politicians across the political lines is fascism and cannot be described as anything but support further genocidal violence and settler colonial fascism that has defined the history of this ideology; crimes against the Palestinian people that define fascism in the 21st century; - The ongoing historic crime

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 24 October 2023 French

Environ 1,4 million de Palestiniens ont été déplacés à l'intérieur de la bande de Gaza, dont près de 580 000 ont trouvé refuge dans 150 abris d'urgence désignés par l'Office …

2023 restera dans l'histoire comme l'année où les Palestiniennes et Palestiniens se sont dressés avec bravoure face au fascisme l'appel obscène, pornographique, à la mise à mort des Arabes lancé par les politiciens sionistes de tous les bords est du fascisme et ne peut être compris autrement que comme un soutien à la poursuite de la violence génocidaire et au fascisme colonial , avec la complicité des régimes arabes, ont perpétré des crimes contre le peuple palestinien qui montrent ce qu'est le fascisme

UOP: University of Ottawa Press · 18 October 2023 French

Réunissant les chapitres de 20 spécialistes, Le populisme est les sciences sociales propose des contributions théoriques, empiriques et multidisciplinaires à l’étude du phénomène populiste du XXIe siècle dans une perspective …

Le mythe palingénésique ou l’importance du caractère révolutionnaire dans les analyses du fascisme ................... 159

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