
Filariasis is a parasitic disease caused by an infection with roundworms of the Filarioidea type. These are spread by blood-feeding insects such as black flies and mosquitoes. They belong to the group of diseases called helminthiases. Eight known filarial worms have humans as a definitive host. These are divided into three groups according to the part of the body they affect: Lymphatic filariasis is caused by the worms Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and Brugia timori. These worms occupy the lymphatic system, including the lymph nodes; in chronic cases, these worms lead to the syndrome of elephantiasis. Subcutaneous filariasis is caused …



JCCF: Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms · 12 September 2022 English

Previously, from 2016-2018, I was a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Florida in the department of Anthropology and the department of Environmental & Global Health. [...] During the …

mixed methods study to improve MDA for Lymphatic Filariasis in Uttar Pradesh, India. COR-NTD/USAID/DFID, Improving Mass Drug Administration for Lymphatic Filariasis After TAS Failure in Nepal. COR-NTD/USAID/DFID source reduction in the context of lymphatic filariasis and malaria elimination in Haiti. Tropical Medicine Moustik Initiative in Northern Haiti. Lymphatic Filariasis Annual Partners Meeting, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

CMA: Canadian Medical Association · 18 June 2020 English

As a result of the treatment, the skin condi- tion of the legs improved, and the fibrotic tissue softened. [...] As the disease progresses, the extremity lymphedema and 82% of …

lymph node excision; after radiotherapy; obesity; filariasis; malignant, posttraumatic or inflammatory causes)

CMA: Canadian Medical Association · 9 November 2017 English

During the trip, she diagnosis of peripheral blood eosinophilia in the returned spent most of her time at the beach, ate food provided at the resort traveller regardless of duration …

may not reactions may occur in patients with filariasis and other hel- deem such travel consequential high-grade peripheral blood eosinophilia include filariasis, gnathostomiasis and fascioliasis. ‡Selected the underlying condition follows gyloidiasis, filariasis, and toxocariasis: the risk of infection and

Ouranos · 2 October 2017 English

In the second phase, an endemic vector-borne CSID was selected in each of the study regions and factors important to consider in managing these diseases were identified in the context …

chikungunya (CHIKV), dengue (DENV), lymphatic filariasis (LF), malaria (MAL) and West Nile virus (WNV)

desLibris · 4 August 2017 English

The research project, The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of Gaps and Recommendations for Action, was launched by the Ministry of Climate Change …

hemorrhagic fever, chikungunya, yellow fever and filariasis. Clear evidence is available, for example, on

CIW: Canadian Index of Wellbeing and University of Waterloo · 7 January 2016 English

For example, deprivation from some of the social determinants of health such as the lack of food, inadequate access to water and sanitation, economic and social deprivation, and inadequate health …

soil-transmitted helminthiases, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis and dengue fever (Prüss-Üstün et al., 2004). diseases such as schistosomiasis, guineaworm, filariasis, yellow fever, river blindness, trachoma and

CIW: Canadian Index of Wellbeing and University of Waterloo · 7 January 2016 English

For example, deprivation from some of the social determinants of health such as the lack of food, inadequate access to water and sanitation, economic and social deprivation, and inadequate health …

soil-transmitted helminthiases, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis and dengue fever (Prüss-Üstün et al., 2004). diseases such as schistosomiasis, guineaworm, filariasis, yellow fever, river blindness, trachoma and

SCBD: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity · 4 June 2015 English

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization (WHO) …

waterways and human development (e.g. lymphatic filariasis (Erlanger et al. no date), or construction of phosphorous and nitrogen loading of the Lymphatic Filariasis Burden to Water Resource from urban, wetland both Th1 and Th2 pathways in patent lymphatic filariasis: 2013. Out-of-Africa migration and Neolithic

UNU-INWEH: United Nations University - Institute for Water, Environment and Health · 21 August 2012

One of its major programming areas supports the development of a comprehensive legal, regulatory and citizen action framework for the purpose of protecting the quality and quantity of freshwater resources …

black flies and mosquitoes which breed diseases filariasis, malaria infection in stagnant water Dengue,

SPO: Public Health Ontario · 16 June 2011 English

"The primary objective of the paper is to synthesize all existing epidemiological evidence regarding the health effects of bed bugs. In addition, we will document related surveillance activities worldwide and …

bed bugs from an infected Azara’s grass mouse Filariasis Nelson 1963 Experimental study 1. A human 2010]. Nelson GS. 1963. Are bed bugs vectors of filariasis? Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical

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