First Nations in Canada

First Nations is a term used to identify Indigenous Canadian peoples who are neither Inuit nor Métis. Traditionally, First Nations in Canada were peoples who lived south of the tree line, and mainly south of the Arctic Circle. There are 634 recognized First Nations governments or bands across Canada. Roughly half are located in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia.



First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada · 29 April 2024 English

I am the Scientific Director of the First Nations/Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (FN/CIS) 2019 and the Principal Investigator of the Ontario Incidence Study of Reported …

“A Statistical Profile on the Health of First Nations in Canada: vital statistics for Atlantic and Western

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada · 5 April 2024 English

Implementing reforms to the FNCFS Program for First Nations not affiliated to an FNCFS agency will require the integration of: • Provincial/territorial service delivery and funding with First Nations receiving …

e.g., immediate crisis intervention. First Nations in Canada deliver and access CFS in different ways ways. There are 6343 First Nations in Canada, among which 451 are served by an FNCFS agency4, 172 are not "Expert analysis: Federal funding and First Nations in Canada" (July 2022), online: Institute of Fiscal

Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy · 4 April 2024 English

The FNBC case emphasizes the alignment of political will with the capacity of Indigenous groups to realize their aspirations; the case also shows how FNBC has been able to capitalize …

Government of Canada. There are also some First Nations in Canada that have amassed significant capital through

UMP: University of Manitoba Press · 29 March 2024 English

This first-of-its-kind collection shares stories not only of entrepreneurial excellence and persistence but of savvy leadership, innovation, and reciprocity, providing hope to Indigenous business leaders, youth, and elected officials working …

Project. Membertou is an exemplar of First Nations in Canada that are changing the national dialogue

CHRC: Canadian Human Rights Commission · 28 March 2024 English

Submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on the occasion of its consideration of Canada’s 21st – 23rd Periodic Reports Human Rights Canadian Human Rights Commission Submission …

government’s assimilation policies regarding First Nations in Canada. Enfranchisement by application was introduced

IHRP: International Human Rights Program, University of Toronto · 22 March 2024 English

Report to the International Court of Justice International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion on the Obligation of States in Respect of Climate Change Joint Submission of the International Human Rights …

Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario.66 Tribes and First Nations in Canada and the U.S. have long demanded that Enbridge

IJC: International Joint Commission · 6 March 2024 English

Typically the committees would pass nominations or suggestions for co-chairs to the Board, the Board would pass these nominations to the IJC, and then the Commissionaires would approve the co-chairs. …

membership for this committee, citing that most First Nations in Canada are preoccupied ISRB – Summer Meeting June

National Aboriginal Economic Development Board · 1 March 2024 English

137 3 Message from the Chairperson On behalf of the National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB), I’m pleased to share the following report detailing Government of Canada actions in relation …

estimate the infrastructure deficit across First Nations in Canada to be at least $25 billion and possibly

ICP: Institute for Community Prosperity · 27 February 2024 English

He is an advisor to the Nonprofit Resilience Lab, and on the Editorial Advisory Board of The Philanthropist, and is the lead author of an annual scan of trends and …

Temple tially among the over six hundred First Nations in Canada, Grandin (also a brilliant systems thinker)

INSPQ: Institut national de santé publique du Québec · 22 January 2024

This knowledge synthesis identifies the research principles presented by Indigenous organizations in Canada, thus providing a portrait of their priorities and requirements in this area. The principles are grouped into …

National political representation body of First Nations in Canada. Assembly of First Nations Quebec- Regional

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