Habeas Corpus

Habeas corpus ( (listen); Medieval Latin meaning "[we, a Court, command] that you have the body [of the detainee brought before us]") is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful.The writ of habeas corpus is known as the "great and efficacious writ in all manner of illegal confinement". It is a summons with the force of a court order; it is …



UCP: University of Calgary Press · 15 June 2024 English

Since the first edition of this popular text was published in 1984, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has transformed the role of the courts in Canadian politics. Addressing current …

min- ute and full information, e.g. as to the Habeas Corpus Acts, or other enactments protecting the liberty

CCLA: Canadian Civil Liberties Association · 24 April 2024 English

STILL FAILING The Deepening Crisis of Bail and Pre-Trial Detention in Canada Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust 2024 About the CCLA and CCLET The …

explained: How many lawyers are going to do a habeas corpus? On the moment, without Legal Aid funding likely

CHRC: Canadian Human Rights Commission · 27 March 2024 English

Following the expiration of the mandate of the Panel, some of its members released four reports33 regarding the implementation and operation of the SIUs, which raise a number of serious …

detained for immigration purposes have access to habeas corpus procedures to avoid the risk of arbitrary detention;

JCCF: Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms · 5 December 2023 English

It all prompted the federal government to invoke the Emergencies Act and the police to use force to clear the crowd. [...] While much of the mainstream media and the …

because otherwise you get into a whole kinds of habeas corpus business. It’s not.... MR. WILSON: [Indiscernible because otherwise you get into a whole kinds of habeas corpus business. It’s not.... MR. WILSON: [Indiscernible

BCCLA: BC Civil Liberties Association · 6 September 2023 English

2 • Challenging the expansion of powers for US customs and border agents and the CBSA at preclearance sites in Canada and at the border;2 • Opposing the closure of …

Rehman Chhina, 2019 SCC 29, concerning whether a habeas corpus proceeding should be available to individuals

JCCF: Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms · 10 May 2023 English

The PHO and the Deputy PHO oppose the subpoena application on the following grounds: (i) the doctrine of deliberative privilege applies to the PHO and Deputy PHO. [...] (ii) Further, …

subpoena ordering a warden to testify in a habeas corpus proceeding in Keiros-Meyer v. The Attorney General

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 11 April 2023 English

These powers were enshrined in the constitution during the presidency of Charles de Gaulle, in the name of guaranteeing "political stability." Such use of the constitution exposes the government to …

government and media. His lawyer has filed a habeas corpus appeal in court. More than 100 youth have been

MiningWatch Canada · 4 April 2023 English

Background on the UPR Mandate We understand that the UPR is a novel and critical process that flows from the mandate of the Human Rights Council to "undertake a universal …

of Peruvian human rights lawyers initiated a habeas corpus on Moore’s behalf in Peruvian court, of which

CLD: Centre for Law and Democracy · 20 March 2023 English

Turkey4 where it was held that the “two finger test failed to meet the needs of an effective investigation.” In the same case, the Court referred to the United Nations …

The State and Others (2021 PCrLJ 5931), in a habeas corpus petition aimed at obtaining the recovery of

ALRI: Alberta Law Reform Institute · 7 March 2023 English

5 To what circums·tances is the test of applicability to be applied: the circumstances of the tie of the enact ment of the English statute in question, the circumsta nces. …

and ' similar jurisdiction in other courts. Habeas Corpus Print? 12 Car. 2 c. 2 4 Abolishes tenures except of troops ( s. 54) Print 3 1 Car. 2 c.. 2 e Habeas Corpus Act 1 Will. & Mar. c. 3 0 Gold or silver mine Vict. c. 20 Issue out of England of writs of habeas corpus 25 & 26 Vict. c. 67 Provides for actions for 1627 • • • . • • • • -- Car. l ....... 1 a · Habeas Corpus Act, 1640 . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Car. 1 c Billeting Act, 1679 31 Care 2 c . 1 (s. 54) Habeas Corpus Act, 1679 31 Car. 2 c . 2 Royal Mines Act, 1688

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