
Jihad (English: ; Arabic: جهاد‎ jihād [dʒɪˈhaːd]) is an Arabic word which literally means striving or struggling, especially with a praiseworthy aim. In an Islamic context, it can refer to almost any effort to make personal and social life conform with God's guidance, such as struggle against one's evil inclinations, proselytizing, or efforts toward the moral betterment of the ummah, though it is most frequently associated with war. In classical Islamic law, the term refers to armed struggle against unbelievers, while modernist Islamic scholars generally equate military jihad with defensive warfare. In Sufi and pious circles, spiritual and moral jihad …



CDA: Conference of Defence Associations Institute · 8 March 2024 English

The Second World War gave birth to the Atlantic Charter, the UN Charter, the Paris Peace Treaties, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the Genocide …

are the societal crises of terrorism, extremism, and the militarization of society, all associated with a certain form of jihadism

CDA: Conference of Defence Associations Institute · 7 March 2024 English

The Second World War gave birth to the Atlantic Charter, the UN Charter, the Paris Peace Treaties, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the Genocide …

are the societal crises of terrorism, extremism, and the militarization of society, all associated with a certain form of jihadism

Wilson Center Canada · 31 January 2024 English

We have multiple essays across the publication that focus on AGOA’s impact and renewal, as well as changing trade dynamics in Africa and globally, including the expansion of BRICS and …

Maghreb, and Le Mouvement pour L’Unicité et Le Jihad en Afrique de L’Ouest, among other armed groups

ICP: Institute for Community Prosperity · 30 January 2024 English

Add to this the killings of thousands in each of the conflicts in Ethiopia, Myanmar and Yemen; the civil war in Sudan, with at least 9,000 killed and another 5.6 …

law and a singularly violent interpretation of jihad. Millions of decent people within Israel/Palestine

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 27 January 2024 French

Il a presqu'entièrement rasé la bande de Gaza et éliminé sa population, il est allé jusqu'à bombarder les camps de réfugiés dans les endroits où il avait ordonné l'évacuation de …

monde à l'intérieur ». Les combattants d'al-Quds (Jihad islamique palestinien) ont aussi rapporté qu'ils

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 23 January 2024 French

Les Brigades al-Qassam ont détruit trois chars sionistes de type Merkava à l'est de la ville de Khan Younès, au sud de la bande de Gaza, et un véhicule militaire …

à l'occupant. Les forces des Brigades al-Quds (Jihad islamique) ont bombardé un rassemblement de soldats

CMA: Canadian Medical Association · 10 January 2024

Mark Cadesky, Eric Chavhan, Govind Clase, Catherine Camden, Andi Chawla, Vanika Clement, Fiona Campbell, David Chédeville, Gaëlle Cleminson, Kristyna Campbell, Douglas Chen, Jingzhou Clipperton, Graydon Campbell, Erika Chen, Wei-Ti Cochrane, …

Hamed Elfaki, Lina Ezeife, Doreen El Anzaoui, Jihad Elliott, Claire Elbaz, Carolyn Erickson, Patricia

PMLQ: Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec · 19 November 2023 English

Over the past 36 days, the WHO has recorded at least 137 Israeli attacks on health care facilities in Gaza, resulting in the killing of 521 people and the injury …

clear, they intend to destroy Hamas and Islamic Jihad and then to lay out, how this has to be done there intelligence-led effort to ensure that the Islamic Jihad and Hamas cannot reconstitute themselves from the

RI: Rideau Institute · 26 October 2023 English

International law strictly prohibits the targeting of civilians,43 the use of indiscriminate weapons,44 murder,45 mutilation,46 and hostage taking.47 As stated by the UN Secretary General, “Nothing can justify the deliberate …

2023); see also, Human Rights Watch, Hamas, Islamic Jihad: Holding Hostages is a War Crime (19 Oct 2023). lamic-jihad-holding-hostages-war-crime https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/19/hamas-islamic-jihad-holdi

CIGI: Centre for International Governance Innovation · 10 October 2023 English

the authorities to ensure the safe and widespread use of currency was itself facilitated by private When it comes to what is considered money, the sector innovations in the production …

article/abs/pii/S1062940804000336. Kiff, John, Jihad Alwazir, Sonja Davidovic, Aquiles Farias, Ashraf

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