
A latrine is a toilet or an even simpler facility that is used as a toilet within a sanitation system. For example, it can be a communal trench in the earth in a camp to be used as emergency sanitation, a hole in the ground (pit latrine), or more advanced designs, including pour-flush systems. The term "latrine" is still commonly used in emergency sanitation situations. Nowadays, the word "toilet" is more commonly used than "latrine", except for simple systems like "pit latrine" or "trench latrine".The use of latrines was a major advancement in sanitation over more basic practices such as …



DDN: Dundurn Press · 29 October 2024 English

“Honest and insightful, a testament to Japanese Canadian resilience.” — KERRI SAKAMOTO, author of Floating CityWhen the North American dream meets traditional Japanese conformity, two cultures collide. Does the past …

they improvised with sheets and curtains; the latrines (not flush toilets) lacked partitions until they

DDN: Dundurn Press · 9 July 2024 English

From Trench Town to the top of the world — one man's inspiring fight for meaning, dignity, and respect. Tiga’s Tale chronicles the remarkable life of world champion boxer Barrington …

generally had to relieve themselves in common pit latrines or ditch- es that ran between the shanties, which

CHB: Coach House Books · 11 June 2024 English

A rediscovered classic, Yesterdays turns colonialism on its head. Originally published in 1974, Yesterdays is nominally the story of one man’s attempt to launch a Hindu Mission from Trinidad to …

them. Choonilal, our protagonist, opts to use latrines despite having a commode installed in his house negotiate with neighbours for the use of their latrines. This happens numerous times in this fairly short

AIC: Agricultural Institute of Canada · 1 October 2023 English

Jones is celebrated as the editor of the book, "Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation: Visions and Voices of Emerging Scholars." As part of this training, participants will: • Examine the …

simplified sewerage system SSS. Most residents used pit latrines – simple pits dug between buildings covered with

Wilson Center Canada · 28 July 2023 English

individuals from wealthier households were more Thus, MHM must be prioritized in overall policy likely to have access to sanitary pads,7 and more and practice, and in both peacetime and …

Odisha, India found that menstruators even if latrines or toilets exist. This is often the who reused

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 July 2023 English

After World War II displaced more than sixty million people, Cold War politics opened global eyes and wallets to European displaced persons. The postwar experiences of more than three million …

not know how to use toilet paper and kept their latrines filthy mat- ter? What did the widely distributed

CPRC: University of Regina Press · 20 May 2023 English

One of the few biographies of an Inuk man from the 19th Century—separated from his family, community, and language—finding his place in history. Augustine Tataneuck was an Inuk man born …

journals, but nowhere is there any mention of latrines. Chamber pots were in use in the living quarters

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 4 May 2023 English

This report explores the role that voluntary sustainability standards (VSSs) can play in helping governments advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and better track and report on their progress toward …

program invested in building “11 new classrooms, 21 latrines, as well as [a] dormitory for secondary school

Fraser Institute · 20 April 2023 English

Canadians care about the state of their environment. Over the past few years, several reports have presented Canada as an environmental laggard, ranking it near the bottom of the list …

sources include venti- lated improved pit (VIP) latrines, flush/pour-flush systems (to piped sewer, septic tank, pit latrine), composting toilets, and pit latrines with slab (WHO, 2019). Table 5 shows the percentage

UNU-INWEH: United Nations University - Institute for Water, Environment and Health · 29 March 2023 English

United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health Global Water Security 2023 Assessment Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the generous input and data-discussions with: Rick Johnston, Co-lead, …

that separates people sewers, septic tanks or pit latrines, and dry sanitation from excrement it is almost to maintain a safe technologies such as dry pit latrines with slabs, ventilated drinking water supply. Safe sanitation and drinking water improved pit latrines, and composting toilets (6.2.1a meta- (Component

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