Machine Translation

Machine translation, sometimes referred to by the abbreviation MT (not to be confused with computer-aided translation, machine-aided human translation or interactive translation), is a sub-field of computational linguistics that investigates the use of software to translate text or speech from one language to another. On a basic level, MT performs mechanical substitution of words in one language for words in another, but that alone rarely produces a good translation because recognition of whole phrases and their closest counterparts in the target language is needed. Not all words in one language have equivalent words in another language, and many words have …



CLD: Centre for Law and Democracy · 18 June 2024 English

For example, CLD has supported litigation before the Constitutional Court in Indonesia challenging the government’s power to block websites, before the High Court of Islamabad on interpreting the common law …

personal-social-media- accounts/, and a machine translation from the German of the referenced case, which

DEEP: DEEP Centre · 28 November 2023 English

More broadly, concerns about As open source leaders gathered in Geneva, discussions naturally cybersecurity and critical infrastructure have led to assessments turned to the consequences of recent regulatory actions on …

increasingly global and to invest in rapid machine translation capabilities for project cosmopolitan. China

Conseil du statut de la femme · 26 September 2023 French

Intelligence artificielle : des risques pour l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes

C. Lamb (2019). Assessing gender bias in machine translation: A case study with Google Translate. Neural

DEEP: DEEP Centre · 28 February 2023 English

How Open Source Leaders are Confronting the Challenges of Fragmentation

most unhealthy the need to invest in rapid machine translation capabilities for or disruptive forks are open “Rapid translation source leaders see machine translation as the future. Linux is the key to Foundation institutes fostering greater to implement machine translation systems that will speed up the engagement leaders underlined the need to invest in rapid machine translation ENABLING GLOBAL COLLABORATION 33 capabilities

BCCLA: BC Civil Liberties Association · 9 February 2023

MacKay: The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the results of a review by my office of the lawfillness of the activities of CSE's Office of Counter …

is not available, analysts can also use machine translation applications for producing a rough gist of

BII+E: Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship · 29 November 2022 English

Viet holds a Master of Science in holds a Master of Arts in Economics and a Economics from the London School of Economics Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science from …

(2021) discussing the need to further improve machine translation. Table 6 Top 10 movers from 2016 to 2021

CIGI: Centre for International Governance Innovation · 7 March 2022 English

Notwithstanding the fact that technological Building on Canadian defence policy, the paper innovation has always shaped the nature of outlines the military applications of AI and the interstate conflict, the …

including computer vision, speech recognition, machine translation, natural language processing and drug design

CRISES: Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales · 9 June 2021 French

Les intervenants, par le biais de leurs présentations respectives, aborderont les sujets suivants : la démocratisation de la culture et du théâtre ; la fonction sociale du théâtre et de …

Créateur du logiciel FFR (Fon-French Neural Machine Translation) - Abdoulaye Baniré Diallo, Professeur, Département

School of Public Policy, University of Calgary · 15 January 2021 French

The other part of the trade financing process is trade insurance, which is used to manage the risk of any part of the goods getting ruined along the way. [...] …

Brynjolfsson, E., X. Hui, and M. Liu. 2018. “Does Machine Translation Affect International Trade? Evidence from

desLibris · 12 November 2020 English

image classification, autonomous vehicles, machine translation, legged locomotion, and question-answering

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