In astronomy and planetary science, a magnetosphere is a region of space surrounding an astronomical object in which charged particles are affected by that object's magnetic field. It is created by a star or planet with an active interior dynamo. In the space environment close to a planetary body, the magnetic field resembles a magnetic dipole. Farther out, field lines can be significantly distorted by the flow of electrically conducting plasma, as emitted from the Sun (i.e., the solar wind) or a nearby star. Planets having active magnetospheres, like the Earth, are capable of mitigating or blocking the effects of …
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) · 19 November 2021 English
distribution of matter over a huge some of the most perplexing ques- things that change at Dobbs, but it is only one of the new swath of the universe, detect …
essential “Our university has a responsi- Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere contributions to Canada’s pandemic …
UCP: University of Calgary Press · 15 June 2020 English
The hands of humans split the atom and reshaped the world. Gradually revealing a sublime nightmare that begins with spontaneous nuclear fission in the protozoic and ends with the omnicide …
aurora, stray electrons mingled with Earth’s magnetosphere, searing the sky with an orange tinge. Metallic …
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) · 21 August 2019 English
MSI-funded facilities and the 2019 midterm review, as well as the reporting In addition, this report aims to compare framework for the facilities funded in the the revenue and expenditure …
international international Arctic Geotraces magnetosphere, ionosphere and solar- project, the joint France-Canada …
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) · 5 June 2019 French
L’Unité de génomique de l’Institut de la biodiversité de l’Ontario (BIO) dirige une installation de classe mondiale et à haut rendement de codage à barres de l’ADN, laquelle a la …
la mer des Tchouktches et l’exploration 37 magnétosphère et la physique terrestres au du plancher océanique …
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) · 5 June 2019 French
L’Unité de génomique de l’Institut de la biodiversité de l’Ontario (BIO) dirige une installation de classe mondiale et à haut rendement de codage à barres de l’ADN, laquelle a la …
la mer des Tchouktches et l’exploration 37 magnétosphère et la physique terrestres au du plancher océanique …
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) · 5 June 2019 French
L’Unité de génomique de l’Institut de la biodiversité de l’Ontario (BIO) dirige une installation de classe mondiale et à haut rendement de codage à barres de l’ADN, laquelle a la …
la mer des Tchouktches et l’exploration 37 magnétosphère et la physique terrestres au du plancher océanique …
desLibris · 3 April 2019 English
Today, the challenges we face on Earth, alongside the Through the Innovation and Skills Plan, Canada has committed opportunities that the rapidly evolving space industry and to growing the economy …
Gateway’s location in lunar orbit, outside Earth’s magnetosphere, will allow Canadian researchers to perform …
desLibris · 6 March 2019 French
Grâce exceller dans les emplois de demain, d’appuyer la recherche à ces recherches, nous en apprenons toujours plus sur le scientifi que ainsi que la mise au point et la …
orbite autour de la Lune, à l’extérieur de la magnétosphère de la Terre, permettra aux chercheurs canadiens …
desLibris · 6 March 2019 English
Today, the challenges we face on Earth, alongside the Through the Innovation and Skills Plan, Canada has committed opportunities that the rapidly evolving space industry and to growing the economy …
Gateway’s location in lunar orbit, outside Earth’s magnetosphere, will allow Canadian researchers to perform …
MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 29 May 2017 English
The incalculable influence of Alexander von Humboldt (1769 1859) on biology, botany, geology, and meteorology deservedly earned him the reputation as the world's most illustrious scientist before Charles Darwin. From …
surements of temporary disturbances of the Earth’s magnetosphere, coining the term “magnetic storm” for this …