
Namibia ( (listen), ), officially the Republic of Namibia, is a country in Southern Africa. Its western border is the Atlantic Ocean. It shares land borders with Zambia and Angola to the north, Botswana to the east and South Africa to the south and east.



IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 16 November 2009 English

Namibia has recently undertaken a rapid trade and environment assessment, which identified potential green opportunities and likely threats from international trade law and technical standards. The assessment

A summary policy brief Biochar in Namibia: opportunities to convert bush encroachment into carbon offsets decline of jobs and business opportunities in rural Namibia. Yet, the bush resource sequesters significant significant amounts of carbon dioxide, which renders Namibia a net carbon sink. Most farmers consider bush encroachment encroached farmlands. Under the Kyoto Protocol, Namibia is a non- Annex I country, which implies that it 26 million hectares of farm- and rangeland in Namibia, and is responsible for an annual loss in agricultural

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 12 September 2018 English

assessment of Namibia's mining law and policies, conducted by the IGF at the request of the Government of Namibia and in collaboration with the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

IGF MINING POLICY FRAMEWORK ASSESSMENT Namibia September 2018 © 2018 The International Institute @IGFMining IGF Mining Policy Framework Assessment: Namibia September 2018 Written by Alec Crawford, Jessica (2018). IGF Mining Policy Framework Assessment: Namibia. Winnipeg: IISD. Secretariat hosted by Secretariat development. This report presents the assessment for Namibia, with a view toward the following: helping the thank their colleagues from the Government of Namibia, particularly those at the Ministry of Mines and

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 16 November 2009 English

Namibia has recently undertaken a rapid trade and environment assessment, which identified potential green opportunities and likely threats from international trade law and technical standards. The assessment

and fair trade: Threats and opportunities for Namibia Background In recent decades rising global concerns “ethical” standards and certification schemes. Namibia has opportunities to use these standards to target being used to some extent in these sectors in Namibia, largely because of export market requirements especially when voters in a democracy support it. Namibia should therefore not rely exclusively or primarily opportunities and effectively manage the threats, Namibia must develop leadership and competence in these

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 16 November 2009 English

Namibia has recently undertaken a rapid trade and environment assessment, which identified potential green opportunities and likely threats from international trade law and technical standards. The assessment

meat trade: impact on sustainable development in Namibia Background Harmonising Namibia’s animal health significant impact on sustainable development in Namibia. The policies of major concern are those that Code. Recognising the competitive advantages of Namibia with respect to land resources, colonial settlers standards of living. The northern regions of Namibia have a significant livestock population. However agriculture is the mainstay of rural economies in Namibia. Integrated sustainable land management will provide

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 18 February 2009 English

the effects of climate change and rising food prices on the national food security situation of Namibia. [...] The only perennial rivers form the borders with Angola and Zambia in the north and north-east reaction to the drought of the 1930s, when about 25 per cent of all subsistence farmers in the north of Namibia starved to death.

Country Briefing – Namibia Abstract The rising food prices have taken their toll on Namibia, as elsewhere food-importing developing country will provide Namibia with more policy space in order to increase national achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Namibia. Jürgen Hoffmann is an agricultural trade specialist agricultural private sector and a member of the Namibia trade negotiation team for all external trade negotiations Economic Policy Research Unit (NEPRU) in Windhoek, Namibia. He has worked on macroeconomic and fiscal issues

CLD: Centre for Law and Democracy · 29 April 2021 English

Currently, the weakest categories are the Right of Access, Requesting Procedures and Sanctions and Protections, which focus on the legal guarantees for the right, the procedures for making and processing …

April 2021 Namibia Analysis of the Access to Information Bill The Centre for Law and Democracy a non-profit for the right to information and transparency in Namibia if passed. The RTI Rating (, which result, if a shorter timeframe is realistic for Namibia, taking into account that extensions for up to

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 13 March 2009 English

This briefing shows that Namibia, a largely arid country, in the face of rising food prices has managed to control these through a conservative price agreement between producers and millers of grain crops

Briefing – Namibia Abstract The rising food prices have taken their toll on Namibia, as elsewhere food-importing developing country will provide Namibia with more policy space in order to increase national Scenarios for Southern Africa – Country Briefing – Namibia Mona Frøystad Jürgen Hoffmann Klaus Schade 1 achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Namibia. Jürgen Hoffmann is an agricultural trade specialist agricultural private sector and a member of the Namibia trade negotiation team for all external trade negotiations

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 28 January 2010 English

Namibia has recently undertaken a Rapid Trade and Environment Assess ment which identified potential "green" opportunities and likely threats from international trade law and technical standards. The Namibian

Environment Assessment (RTEA) 2009 National Report for Namibia Jessica Jones Juliane Zeidler Henoch Ramakhutla Ndhlukula IECN Integrated Environmental Consultants Namibia © 2009 International Institute for Sustainable Environment Assessment (RTEA): National Report for Namibia Jessica Jones, Juliane Zeidler, Henoch Ramakhutla Environment Assessment (RTEA) National Report for Namibia Jessica Jones, Juliane Zeidler, Henoch Ramakhutla Environment Assessment (RTEA) - National Report for Namibia Table of Contents List of Figures and Tables

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 16 December 2009 English

pilot of a new assessment approach for Namibia and the first instance of the method’s application in Africa. [...] Situated on the south- western coast of Africa, Namibia borders the Atlantic Ocean to the west

Environment Assessment (RTEA) 2009 National Report for Namibia Jessica Jones Juliane Zeidler Henoch Ramakhutla Ndhlukula IECN Integrated Environmental Consultants Namibia © 2009 International Institute for Sustainable Environment Assessment (RTEA): National Report for Namibia Jessica Jones, Juliane Zeidler, Henoch Ramakhutla Environment Assessment (RTEA) National Report for Namibia Jessica Jones, Juliane Zeidler, Henoch Ramakhutla Environment Assessment (RTEA) - National Report for Namibia Table of Contents List of Figures and Tables Figures

IISD: International Institute for Sustainable Development · 16 November 2009 English

Namibia has recently undertaken a rapid trade and environment assessment, which identified potential green opportunities and likely threats from international trade law and technical standards. The assessment

Summary In order for Namibia to achieve its development vision, it is critically important to understand benefits and limit counter-productive outcomes. Namibia has recently undertaken a Rapid Trade and Environment SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Introduction: How can Namibia attain its development vision? Sustainable development around what a sustainable development model for Namibia will look like. One point is clear - it must be opportunities for sustainable development. Since 1990, Namibia has been exposed to a rapid succession of new

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