Noise Control

Noise control or noise mitigation is a set of strategies to reduce noise pollution or to reduce the impact of that noise, whether outdoors or indoors.



IRSST: Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail · 15 May 2024 French

Mission Dans l’esprit de la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail (LSST) et de la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles (LATMP), la …

measurement of the acoustic surface impedance. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 32(1), 15-23. Allard, J

INSPQ: Institut national de santé publique du Québec · 26 March 2024 French

Afin de répondre au besoin du réseau de la santé publique de documenter les répercussions sanitaires associées à l’industrie éolienne dans les milieux d’accueil et chez les travailleurs et travailleuses, …

Social survey on wind turbine noise in Japan. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 62(6), 503‑520. https://doi turbine noise – Results from three field studies. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 59(1), 11‑1. https://doi turbine noise – Results from three field studies. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 59.

IRSST: Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail · 5 December 2023 French

Mission Dans l’esprit de la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail (LSST) et de la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles (LATMP), la …

measurement of the acoustic surface impedance. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 32(1), 15-23. Allard, J

JCCF: Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms · 5 December 2023 English

Cas de surdité professionnelle (Décision en faveur du travailleur) 2015 Action collective - Analyse de l’impact du bruit émis par la piste de course automobile Circuit Mont-Tremblant sur la santé …

of noise emitted by electrical substations”, Noise Control Engineering Journal, 41:357- 363. 49. *Leroux mobile equipment”. Proceedings published in Noise Control 2019, Janów Podlaski, Poland, May 26-29 2019 public policy for environmental and occupational noise control in Quebec. Proceedings Inter-Noise 2009, Ottawa 2005 International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, (August 7-10th workers in noisy environments. Presented at Noise Control 2022, Poland (June 2022). 2. **Laroche, C.,

IRSST: Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail · 5 December 2023 French

Mission Dans l’esprit de la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail (LSST) et de la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles (LATMP), la …

measurement of the acoustic surface impedance. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 32(1), 15-23. Allard, J

MHCC: Mental Health Commission of Canada · 28 November 2023 English

This implementation guide aims to share knowledge about the key features of structural change and guide those interested in reducing MHSU-related structural stigma in their organizations. Drawing on real-world insights …

bright fluorescent lights and has no privacy or noise control. Or consider mental health programs located

PI: Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development · 23 November 2023 English

As directed by the Commission, inquiry Module A addresses the first four of the five “matters” listed in the inquiry’s Terms of Reference.5 In the Terms of Reference, each of …

and adversely affect anyone, and meets the noise control requirements in Commission Rule 012. Hydro and

CELA: Canadian Environmental Law Association · 20 September 2023 English

During the public comment period under the EBR, the MECP received 49 written submissions, including two submissions from KNG that opposed the issuance of the proposed ECA, criticized the adequacy …

Condition 4 requires Tomlinson to implement the noise control measures outlined in the AAR and to ensure that ECA states that Tomlinson shall implement the Noise Control Measures in the AAR, many of the recommended

CEC / CCA / CCE: Commission for Environmental Cooperation · 4 July 2023 English

The early 1980s saw the inauguration of a policy of redensification of what was then called the Federal Dis- trict with the primary purpose of halting urban expansion.25 The justification …

(i) temperature and humidity regulation, (ii) noise control, (iii) aquifer replenishment, (iv) air pollution

District of Saanich, British Columbia · 4 May 2023 English

The objective of the designation is to ensure that future development reflects the scale and special character of Mattick's Farm and the surrounding neighbourhood and is sensitive to the natural …

landscaping 2.12 Impacts to Neighbours 2.12.1 Noise control: Reduce noise pollution and minimize impact

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