North Africans

North Africa is a region encompassing the northern portion of the African continent. There is no singularly accepted scope for the region, and it is sometimes defined as stretching from the Atlantic shores of Mauritania in the west, to Egypt's Suez Canal and the Red Sea in the east. Varying sources have limited it to the countries of Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia, a region that was known by the French during colonial times as "Afrique du Nord" and is known by Arabs as the Maghreb ("West", The western part of Arab World). The most commonly accepted definition includes Morocco, …



MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 18 June 2024 English

Throughout the twentieth century in the lands of Yugoslavia, socialists embarked on multiple projects of supranational unification. Sensitive to the vulnerability of small nations in a world of great powers, …

waves of protest in solidarity with those North Africans who resisted the occupation of their lands

CSPI: Centre for Science in the Public Interest · 13 April 2023 English

NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Committee Members, The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) greatly appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the initial proposal from the …

will allow the MENA population to encompass North Africans who may also identify as Black, particularly

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 January 2023 English

The 1978 publication of Edward Said's Orientalism unsettled the world. Over two decades earlier Aimé Césaire had famously spoken of the boomerang effect of colonization, which dehumanized both the colonizer …

anti-imperial Maurice Jr. Labelle 6 writings of fellow North Africans Albert Memmi and Frantz Fanon,13 Said “expressed tation, which examined how misperceptions of North Africans framed early US nationalism in the first decades

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 May 2022 English

Theatre, urban development, and the enduring struggle over the right to the city. Lavapiés - diverse, multicultural, and one of Madrid’s most iconic neighbourhoods - has emerged as a locus …

This diversity includes the high num- bers of North Africans that arrived in the early 1990s, as well as

CDPDJ: Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse · 17 November 2021 English

This guide is intended for people who are asked to complete a self-identification questionnaire in order to set up an equal access employment program. It contains frequently asked questions about …

Trinidad or Eastern Africa) ● West Asians and North Africans (Armenian, Egyptian, Iranian, Libyan, Lebanese

RCIS: Ryerson Centre for Immigration and Settlement · 19 February 2021 English

On the Iranian coast, and especially during the second half of the 19th century and thanks to the pearl trade, the city of Lengeh (now called Bandar Lengeh) was the …

and, consequently, that Middle Easterners and North Africans cannot, is reinforced b Iran s geographical

TEEB: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity · 21 January 2021 English

It provides employment to around 60% of the workforce and is able to feed half of the population with the remaining half of the food demand met by imports. [...] …

local production and consumption patterns. North Africans consume a diet based on wheat, Central Africans

TEEB: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity · 21 January 2021 English

It provides employment to around 60% of the workforce and is able to feed half of the population with the remaining half of the food demand met by imports. [...] …

local production and consumption patterns. North Africans consume a diet based on wheat, Central Africans

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 23 September 2020 English

authorities across the 19th century routinely blamed hashish consumption, and especially among Muslim North Africans, for a wide array of behaviors deemed irrationally violent and threatening to the social order

hashish con- sumption, especially among Muslim North Africans, produced in users a wide array of behaviours official statements reductively classified North Africans migrants as prone to irrational violence, policing.32 This extra-le- gal policing of North Africans in the capital reached a climax in October cultures of colonized peoples, espe- cially Muslim North Africans, has both a long and living history in France sentiment, believing that Islam transformed North Africans into “a race apart” and paradoxically functioned

PUM: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal · 16 April 2018 French

Quelle est la place des groupes venus d'ailleurs dans la société québécoise? Quels liens tissent-ils avec leur nouveau pays ? Comment les deuxièmes générations d'immigrants, notamment maghrébins, s'adaptent-elles à leur …

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