
Secobarbital sodium (marketed by Eli Lilly and Company for the treatment of insomnia, and subsequently by other companies as described below, under the brand name Seconal) is a short-acting barbiturate derivative drug that was patented in 1934 in the United States. It possesses anaesthetic, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, sedative, and hypnotic properties. In the United Kingdom, it was known as quinalbarbitone. It is the most frequently used drug in physician-assisted suicide within the United States. Secobarbital is considered to be an obsolete sedative-hypnotic (sleeping pill), and as a result, it has largely been replaced by the benzodiazepine family. Seconal was widely abused, …



INSPQ: Institut national de santé publique du Québec · 22 April 2021 French

Substances ciblées par le dépistage LC-MS-MS (C-594) ANTIPSYCHOTIQUES ET ANTIDÉPRESSEURS 9-Hydroxy-rispéridone Clomipramine + M Fluoxétine + M Moclobémide Rispéridone Amitriptyline Clozapine + M Halopéridol Nortriptyline Sertraline Amoxapine Désipramine Imipramine Olanzapine …

Venlafaxine BARBITURIQUES Amobarbital Phénobarbital Sécobarbital Butalbital Pentobarbital Thiopental BENZODIAZÉPINES

Santé et Services sociaux Québec · 6 November 2019 French

La table analytique de la CCI couvre toutes les interventions de santé diagnostiques et thérapeutiques, ainsi que d' autres interventions apparentées à l' exclusion des procédures de laboratoire et de …

barbituriques (par exemple, sécobarbital, pentobarbital), barbituriques (par exemple, sécobarbital, pentobarbital) barbituriques (sécobarbital, barbituriques (sécobarbital, barbituriques (sécobarbital, pentobarbital) barbituriques [par exemple, sécobarbital, pentobarbital, sécobarbital, pentobarbital, sécobarbital, pentobarbital pentobarbital, sécobarbital, pentobarbital, chloral hydrate], chloral hydrate], chloral hydrate], chloral hydrate]

Santé et Services sociaux Québec · 5 November 2019 French

O63.2 - - - stade - - - - deuxième O63.1 - - - - premier O63.0 - - - travail O63.9 - - - - deuxième stade O63.1 - …

psilocybine F16.2 - - psychostimulant NCA F15.2 - - sécobarbital (sodique) F13.2 - - sédatifs et tranquillisants Secnidazole, sécridazole T37.3 X44 X64 Y14 Y41.3 Sécobarbital T42.3 X41 X61 Y11 Y47.0 Sécrétine T50.8 X44

Santé et Services sociaux Québec · 5 November 2019 French

WJ.93.^^ - main - - articulation (au niveau de) - - - interphalangienne - - - - autre doigt 1. [...] UH.93.^^ - - os - - - métacarpe, métacarpien …

Anxiolytiques N05B méprobamate, buspirone barbituriques (sécobarbital, pentobarbital), chloral P7 Hypnotiques et sédatifs

INSPQ: Institut national de santé publique du Québec · 27 February 2019 English

Value of Data Collected by Coroners and Medical Examiners as a Data Source for TOxicovigilance Value of Data Collected by Coroners and Medical Examiners as a Data Source for Toxicovigilance …

Propoxyphene  Estazolam  Meperidine (or pethidine)  Secobarbital  Ethanol  Meprobamate  Temazepam  Phenazepam Morphine  Olanzapine  Oxycodone  Salicylates  Secobarbital  Temazepam  Venlafaxine Note: No statistically

INSPQ: Institut national de santé publique du Québec · 30 May 2018 French

Au Québec, près de 10 % des décès sont signalés au Bureau du coroner du Québec pour investigations. Nombre d’entre eux font l’objet d’analyses toxicologiques, permettant de récolter des informations …

Propoxyphène  Estazolam  Mépéridine (ou péthidine)  Sécobarbital  Éthanol  Méprobamate  Témazépam  Fénazépam Morphine  Olanzapine  Oxycodone  Salicylates  Sécobarbital  Témazépam  Venlafaxine Note : Pas de différences

CCSA: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction · 12 April 2018 English

Report that explores alcohol and drug use in older adulthood (age 65 and older).

D. (2001). speech: effects of d-amphetamine, secobarbital and 101–121. CYP2D6-inhibiting drugs and the

CCSA: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction · 12 April 2018 French

Ce rapport porte sur l’usage d’alcool et d’autres substances chez les personnes âgées (65 ans et plus).

no 2 (2010), p. 203–219. of d-amphetamine, secobarbital and diazepam », (2002), p. 797–780. Meinzer

CCSA: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction · 12 April 2018 English

Report that explores alcohol and drug use in older adulthood (age 65 and older).

D. (2001). speech: effects of d-amphetamine, secobarbital and 101–121. CYP2D6-inhibiting drugs and the

IHE: Institute of Health Economics · 20 September 2017 English

• The GUC reviewed the 1st Edition of the Alberta CPG and revised the recommendations, where necessary, to reflect current research in the management of headache. [...] A flow diagram …

Crawford DM, Rayfield J, Pfaff J. Postdischarge secobarbital after ed migraine treatment decreases pain and

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