
Smuggling is the illegal transportation of objects, substances, information or people, such as out of a house or buildings, into a prison, or across an international border, in violation of applicable laws or other regulations. There are various motivations to smuggle. These include the participation in illegal trade, such as in the drug trade, illegal weapons trade, exotic wildlife trade, illegal immigration or illegal emigration, tax evasion, providing contraband to a prison inmate, or the theft of the items being smuggled. Smuggling is a common theme in literature, from Bizet's opera Carmen to the James Bond spy books (and later …



Wilson Center Canada · 7 February 2024

locations, illicit activities through the international community should view this drug and weapon smuggling, or conflicts over issue from the perspective of the “peace-fra- natural resources. [...] The combination

international community should view this drug and weapon smuggling, or conflicts over issue from the perspective

Wilson Center Canada · 1 February 2024 English

This policy brief defines the liberal paradox in immigration and refugee policy and explains how the United States and other liberal democracies confront the dilemmas of forced displacement with respect …

gaining asylum and being allowed to stay and to smuggling, the dynamic of markets and rights settle. gives

Wilson Center Canada · 14 January 2024

locations, illicit activities through the international community should view this drug and weapon smuggling, or conflicts over issue from the perspective of the “peace-fra- natural resources. [...] The combination

international community should view this drug and weapon smuggling, or conflicts over issue from the perspective

Fraser Institute · 9 January 2024 English

This report presents the results of the Fraser Institute’s 2023 Canada-US Energy Sector Competitiveness Survey regarding barriers to investment in oil and gas exploration and production facilities in each country. …

California Geological Energy Management).” Texas “The smuggling of undocumented individuals on the roads in South

CIDP: Centre for International and Defense Policy · 9 January 2024 English

One of the many impacts of our multi-year Afghanistan contribution was to sensitize both politicians and senior bureaucrats to the risks associated with unknown outcomes.11 A combination of events, all …

conducting counter-insurgency (COIN) operations, arms smuggling, and waging guerilla warfare. The report also

Wilson Center Canada · 6 December 2023

locations, illicit activities through the international community should view this drug and weapon smuggling, or conflicts over issue from the perspective of the “peace-fra- natural resources. [...] The combination

international community should view this drug and weapon smuggling, or conflicts over issue from the perspective

CCPA: Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives · 20 November 2023 English

The tax cuts and rebates, in particular, have been criticized due to the large amounts of cash given back to high income and wealthy individuals; money that could be better …

an opportunity to advance a regressive agenda, smuggling in tax cuts for the wealthy, while providing little-to-no

CCPA: Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives · 17 November 2023 English

The tax cuts and rebates, in particular, have been criticized due to the large amounts of cash given back to high income and wealthy individuals; money that could be better …

an opportunity to advance a regressive agenda, smuggling in tax cuts for the wealthy, while providing little-to-no

ULCC: Uniform Law Conference of Canada · 16 November 2023 French

Tableau des résolutions de la CHLC 1983 à 2014 Résolutions de la Section pénale de la CHLC, 1983 - 2023 // ULCC Criminal Section Resolutions, 1983 – 2023 Vote Province …

the Immigration Act are included in the alien smuggling section of the Proceeds of Crime provisions. Que ON1994-07 d'emprisonnement à perpétuité. 19 - 0 - 0 Smuggling Firearms Amend the Criminal Code to create an

Wilson Center Canada · 6 November 2023 English

Given the panoply of issues the new president will face and the limited time available to develop strategies to address them, the Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute prepared this booklet of …

between issues related to drug trafficking and the smuggling of persons and goods from issues of domestic security

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