Urban studies

Urban studies is based on the study of the urban development of cities. This includes studying the history of city development from an architectural point of view, to the impact of urban design on community development efforts. The core theoretical and methodological concerns of the urban studies field come from the social science disciplines of history, economics, sociology, geography, political science, anthropology, and the professional fields of urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design.



School of Public Policy, University of Calgary · 24 April 2024 English

R E S E A R C H P A P E R Volume 17:06 Leaving the Big City: April 2024 New Patterns of Migration in Canada Kevin McQuillan Acknowledgements …

Storper. 2021. “Cities in a Post-COVID World.” Urban Studies, Special Issue, 1–23. https://doi .org/10 .

ICE: Intergovernmental Committee for Economic and Labour Force Development · 17 April 2024 English

The final secon of the report, Recommendations and Conclusions, presents a series of recommendaons related to best pracces in the adaptaon of cies – physically, economically, and socially – to …

Michael Storper, ‘Cies in a Post-COVID World’, Urban Studies, 2021, 00420980211018072 <htps://doi.org/10 Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Toronto, Canada’, Urban Studies, 43.3 (2006), 491–509 <htps://doi.org/10.10 ‘Crical Commentary: Cies in a Post-COVID World’, Urban Studies, 60.8 (2023), 1509–31 <htps://doi.org/10.11 Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Toronto, Canada’, Urban Studies, 43.3 (2006), 491–509 <htps://doi.org/10.10 Michael Storper, ‘Cies in a Post-COVID World’, Urban Studies, 2021, 00420980211018072 <htps://doi.org/10

CCPA: Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives · 10 April 2024 English

e xplore the extent to which what happened can be conceptualized as a form of organizational ‘elder abuse.’1 The case of the sale of Lions Place represents both a major …

capacity in a changing context. Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg. Winnipeg, MB. Exploring providers. Guide prepared by the Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg. Michelle Wyndham-West

CCPA: Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives · 30 January 2024 English

The difference between what the tenant pays and the cost of providing the unit is covered through a subsidy that is tied to the unit. [...] 6 Canadian Centre for …

acity in a changing context. The Institute of Urban Studies, Winnipeg. Available at: https:// winnspace

CUI: Canadian Urban Institute · 24 January 2024

Get in Touch canurb.org/summit-2023 summit2023@canurb.org 3 mailto:summit2023%40canurb.org?subject= Land Acknowledgement The head office of the Canadian Urban Institute is located in Toronto, the traditional territory of many nations, including the Mississauga’s …

Associate Professor of Professional Practice in Urban Studies at Simon Fraser University John Brown, PhD,

INSPQ: Institut national de santé publique du Québec · 15 January 2024 French

Cette synthèse rapide vise deux objectifs : 1) mieux comprendre les différentes barrières auxquelles font face les professionnels responsables de programmes de promotion de la santé voulant rejoindre les personnes …

function affect whether a place gentrifies or not? Urban Studies. 2020;57:402–420. 7. Gould K, Lewis T. Green new green space contribute to gentrification? Urban Studies. 2022;59:360–380. 25. Chan AY, Son JY, Bell Collins T. The green gentrification cycle. Urban Studies. 2022. doi:10.1177/00420980221114952. 39. Walks Policy Lessons from the Toronto Experience. Urban Studies (Sage Publications, Ltd.). 2008;45:2594– 2625

CCPA: Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives · 10 January 2024

The opinions and recommendations in this Shauna MacKinnon is Professor and Chair of the Department of Urban report, and any errors, are those of the author, and Inner -City Studies …

Urban Native Housing Association & Institute of Urban Studies, 2008; CMHC and Manitoba Housing, 2018). Most hensive housing needs assessment. Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg. https:// legacy.winnipeg Aboriginal housing plan. The Institute of Urban Studies. End Homelessness Winnipeg. (2021). Winnipeg Manitoba’s non-profit housing sector. Institute of Urban Studies. University of Winnipeg. https://winnspace.uwinnipeg Canada: A story of con- vergence and divergence. Urban Studies 45(1): 185–205. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098007085107

CIRANO: Centre for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations · 19 December 2023 French

Près de la moitié En comparaison avec le travail en présentiel, les expriment que leur employeur ne leur suggère pas de répondants estiment qu’ils sont plus productifs types de tâches …

80(1): 33-54. Program on Nearby Property Values, Urban Studies, 53(12): 2488-2510. Pour citer cet article Dubé

BCLI: British Columbia Law Institute · 18 December 2023 English

Content of the consultation paper The organization of the consultation paper The majority of the consultation paper’s chapters have a consistent design. [...] Introduction and Consultation Paper Overview An Overview …

International Studies (Cam- bridge), and has completed urban studies courses at SFU on planning, design, and transportation

BCLI: British Columbia Law Institute · 14 December 2023 English

He is a past bencher of the Law Society of BC and was an active participant in CLE and the Canadian Bar Association. [...] As a member of the co-development …

International Studies (Cambridge), and has completed urban studies courses at SFU on planning, design, and transportation

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