cover image: Exploring  Awareness of - Impacts of Toxic - Substances in the Great


Exploring Awareness of - Impacts of Toxic - Substances in the Great

18 Dec 2023

prepare a presenta-on to summarize the results of the report and share with stakeholders.’ In order to achieve the objec-ves of the project, the project team framed our inves-ga-on in the following way: 1. [...] Informa-on provided in the inventory was cri-cal in the design of the focus groups, used to collect data, and the development of ques-ons used to guide discussions of the focus groups. [...] Beyond the ini-al planning phase of the project, the inventory of approaches and types of programs, the project team used two examples of outreach signs included in the inventory to s-mulate reac-ons and contribu-ons from focus group par-cipants.6 No substan-al analysis was conducted on the scope and elements of programs and materials presented in the inventory. [...] One par-cipant stated, “I feel the signs can be effec-ve, but at the same -me there are a lot of isolated beaches and bodies of water … people don’t place the signs there.” The limits of signage were the lack of coverage of large areas and remote lakes, including areas of abandoned mines and mine waste in the North and the inability of children to fully understand the implica-on of the signage. [...] The considera-on of informa-on provided in the inventory was cri-cal in the design of the focus groups, used to collect data, and the development of ques-ons used to guide discussions of the focus groups.
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