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31 Oct 2023

The efforts of the watershed sector have ensured that rural communities are strong, resilient, and safe in the face of climate change and the sector is providing well-paid, stable employment for rural residents and resource workers in transition. [...] The critical role of Indigenous leadership and involvement, along with the recognition of traditional wisdom and knowledge, was underscored as central for the success of the watershed sector. [...] 11 Streams of Action The Roadmap is structured into Streams of Action, which contain priority actions to advance the watershed sector and achieve the vision of a thriving and regenerative economy in the next decade. [...] STREAM DESCRIPTION SPECIFIC ACTIONS Building sector profile Actions to engage • Build on existing networks for & awareness internal and external outreach and engagement with a partners and raise the diversity of sectors and interests and profile of the watershed create communities of practice to fill sector. [...] Utilizing the Full Connecting the dots around the • Standardizing water-related data and data Potential of lifecycle of innovation and sharing to reduce the effort that is spent Technology and connecting the problem holders analysing and managing it.


Blaire Koswin

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