Since the inception of this project, we have From our perspective, the Legacy Calls to Action are the maintained that we are interested in Indigenous most important because they promise to challenge the communities experiencing the material change that structural conditions that perpetuate the genocidal legacy the Calls to Action expect — not the so-called good of residential schools. [...] Association to undertake, in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, a national review of museum ...allocate su昀케cient resources to the National policies and best practices to determine the level 72 Centre for Truth and Reconciliation to allow it to of compliance with the United Nations Declaration develop and maintain the National Residential on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and to make School. [...] STRUCTURAL ANTI-INDIGENOUS DISCRIMINATION We spent many hours on Zoom calls, phone calls, and Canada asserts legal myths to justify the ongoing dispossession emails discussing the nuances of the Calls to Action and of Indigenous lands and the subsequent impoverishment of the barriers to their completion in their respective 昀椀elds Indigenous peoples; and communities. [...] We will learn more about the National Council’s When it comes to the funding issue identied by the Bill’s eectiveness in the new year and whether it will have the critics, the Standing Committee reported that they were resources, representation, and independence to fulll the “persuaded by witness testimony arguing that the current mandate set out by the TRC in Call to Action 55. [...] Not Indigenous ways the Department of Indigenous Ways and only is “economic reconciliation” absent from the Calls to Decolonization is being run.” Action, it only appears twice in the thousands of pages of the multivolume Final Report of the TRC — and Barely a year later, the newly hired NGC director told both times in relation specically to Call to Action 92.
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