cover image: Going Blue: Turning the tide on water privatization, Canadian Perspectives, Autumn 2023


Going Blue: Turning the tide on water privatization, Canadian Perspectives, Autumn 2023

23 Nov 2023

A Blue Community website: systems will save money and improve service adopts a water commons framework that is a very bad idea that continues to mutate treats water as a common good that is shared BlueCommunities and circulate despite mountains of evidence by everyone and the responsibility of all. [...] Ban the sale of bottled water in facilities Canada faces a deficit of more than $100 and events controlled by the community, and The University of St. [...] Adapting to survive, like other that municipal council has already gone viruses do, it has mutated into schemes through the process of deliberating a Blue like Public Private Partnerships (P3s) that Community designation, it will have had 16 C A N A D I A N P E R S P E C T I V E S plenty of time and opportunity to examine LEAVE A LEGACY, the advantages of adopting a water commons framework. [...] municipal council and the public about the importance of rejecting privatization, There will always be challenges to our democracy and our respecting the human right to water, and environment. [...] If you ensure the Council of Canadians will be there to take on those will forgive the mixing of metaphors, the new challenges.


The Council of Canadians

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