cover image: Time to improve transparency at Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency


Time to improve transparency at Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency

16 Nov 2023

The PMRA considers that residues of in 2017 was based, in the Proposed Re-Evaluation Decision, on glyphosate “will not pose an unacceptable risk to any segment of 118 references to classified studies provided by industry and not the population.”1 When civil society group Vigilance OGM submit- subject to independent scientific peer review, and 7 “published” ted an Access to Information request to o. [...] In July 2023, the co-president of the committee, Bruce steps taken by Health Canada to improve transparency of data Lanphear, resigned because of the committee’s inability to about therapeutic products. [...] All editorial matter in CMAJ represents the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the Cana dian Medical Association or its subsidiaries. [...] Poisoning regulation, research, The new discretionary powers outlined above allow the health, and the environment: the glyphosate-based herbicides case in Canada. [...] The funders had no role in the Contributors: Both authors contributed to design, conduct, or publication of the the conception and design of the work, content.
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