cover image: The River Blend: St. Mary and Milk  - International Joint Commission

The River Blend: St. Mary and Milk - International Joint Commission

14 Dec 2023

Study Board meeting in Great Falls, Montana (Credit: ECCC Staff) The Study Board and advisory groups also discussed and provided feedback on the work of the TWGs and the Communications Committee. [...] The TWGs and Options Formulation and Evaluation Group (OFEG) presented technical work being done; and the Study Board and advisory groups had the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed administrative and structural options and scenarios that will be modelled, as well as the performance indicators that will be used by the Board to evaluate model results. [...] There was participation from all the TWGs inclusive of the Water Management Modelling TWG, the Climate and Hydrology TWG, the Infrastructure Options TWG, the Water Apportionment and Administrative Options TWG, the Socio-Economic Analysis TWG, and the Aquatic Ecosystems TWG. [...] The Climate and Hydrology (CH) TWG’s Workshop Calgary, Alberta, Canada On September 26th and 27th, 2023, the Climate and Hydrology (CH) TWG, gathered at the University of Calgary for an intensive workshop where the performance of several models was compared and evaluated to determine which models are most appropriate to simulate the hydrology of the St. [...] The Board intends to host a webinar in March 2024 to share some of the preliminary results and discuss the next steps of the study.


Carole Smith

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