

20 Oct 2023

PREAMBLE WHEREAS the Union has represented to the Board that it is authorized on behalf of all non-teaching employees of the Board as bargaining agent in the matter of rates of pay, salary and working conditions covering the employment of persons engaged by the Board for the carrying out of various services provided by the said Board; AND WHEREAS the Board recognizes the said Union as the only bar. [...] b) Notwithstanding the Board's obligation to provide notice of suspension, layoff or termination, should the Union suspend the membership of an employee the Union will notify the Board in writing at least five (5) working days before such suspension and the Board will not employ the suspended member for the duration of the suspension, nor will the Board be liable for any wages during the period of. [...] c) The grievance shall be discussed between the Manager of Human Resources or designate, the aggrieved employee, and the President of the Union or their designate from the Grievance Committee of the Union. [...] d) The grievance shall be discussed between a Grievance Committee of the Board, consisting of the Manager of Human Resources or designate, the Human Resources Generalist or designate and one (1) Trustee, the aggrieved employee, and the Grievance Committee of the Union, consisting of the President of the Union or their designate from the Grievance Committee of the Union and one (1) member of the Gr. [...] e) If the Employee while discharging the duties of their assigned appointment is the victim of a crime or a witness to a crime which arises during the course of or as a result of the discharging of the conditions and terms of this agreement, the Employee may, after first obtaining approval from the Board, retain a lawyer to advise and assist the Employee, and the Board will pay for all legal costs.


Marlene Close

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