cover image: Independent practitioner’s reasonable assurance report of Teck Resources Limited’s Performance Statement of Quebrada Blanca


Independent practitioner’s reasonable assurance report of Teck Resources Limited’s Performance Statement of Quebrada Blanca

12 Dec 2023

● Obtained and inspected policies and management programs to review the alignment of policies and commitments with the MAC Safety and Health Framework. [...] ● Reviewed and inspected the programs for monitoring and tracking the risks and controls related to health and safety. [...] responsibly and to ● Obtained and assessed Teck's standards of ethics, Expectations for Suppliers and safety, health, human Contractors to confirm that rights, and social and policies and practices are in environmental place to define their performance expectations in the value chain comparable to those with respect to health and of the reporting safety, environmental, human company. [...] harassment and ● Conducted interviews with QB discrimination, management to observe their respecting freedom of understanding of the association and organization’s policies, collective bargaining, availability of relevant policies and providing a and training and mechanisms mechanism to in place to respect the right to address workers freedom of association and grievances. [...] and Waste pollution, manage ● Made enquiries of management Management releases and waste to obtain an understanding of (hazardous, pollution prevention and waste nonhazardous, and management policies and inert), and address processes at site.


Naomi Thomas

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