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Unclassified / Non classifié

8 Jan 2024

During the same period of September to October, The Lethbridge barley price weakened throughout Canada exported 85 Kt of corn, almost all to the US, November and settled below $330/tonne (t) in the with the remainder to the Netherlands and the United week ending December 1, approaching the lowest in Kingdom. [...] For 2023-24, the continued decline, pushing the total in the average price is projected to fall y/y to $230/t due to aforementioned three months to 515 Kt; this is 24% the expected decline in US corn futures prices for the more than exported in the same period last year but year. [...] The main destinations include the US (accounting for 76% of For 2023-24 US corn supply and demand, there were the exports), Chile (10%), and Mexico (10%), with no significant revisions made by the USDA, except the majority of the remainder going to Peru, Japan, for a slight increase to the export forecast. [...] In the US, the area seeded to lentils for 2023-24 was forecast by the USDA at 0.5 million acres (0.2 In the US, area seeded to dry peas for 2023-24 is Mha), down 17% from 2022-23 due to lower area estimated by the United States Department of seeded in Montana. [...] Sunflower Seed In the US, area seeded to dry beans is estimated by For 2023-24, production was higher than the the USDA to have decreased by 5% to 1.18 million previous year at 92 Kt due to a rise in area and acres (0.48 Mha), largely due to lower area seeded yields.



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