cover image: ICES (Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences) Multi-year Accessibility Plan, 2020-2025

ICES (Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences) Multi-year Accessibility Plan, 2020-2025

21 Dec 2023

Accessibility Policies and Procedures at ICES For more information on accessibility at ICES or to access the following ICES accessibility documents, go to • Accessibility Policy • Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy • Multi-Year Accessibility Plan • Accessibility Glossary • Notice of Temporary Disruption form • Accessibility Feedback and Compla. [...] Measures to Identify, Remove, and Prevent Barriers Identifying Barriers In order to meet or exceed AODA compliance requirements, ICES is committed to responding to staff and community feedback in identifying priorities to increase accessibility and inclusion at ICES, for employees, faculty, students, and the public. [...] 2021 • Continue to improve wayfinding signage and information • Continue to train staff to provide clear and effective wayfinding information • Provide resources for creating accessible information and communication to all ICES content creators • Communicate with ICES employees, faculty and students to ensure awareness of ICES accessibility policies and resources 2022 • ICES is committed to making. [...] • Increase employment and other opportunities for under-represented populations ICES 2020-2025 Multi-year Accessibility Plan 4 • Work to establish and develop a diverse and inclusive ICES Accessibility Advisory Committee • Create a Terms of Reference for an ICES Accessibility Advisory Committee • Provide updated refresher training on Emergency and Safety procedures Ongoing • ICES is committed to f. [...] • ICES is committed to preparing and posting annual updates describing what has been done to achieve AODA compliance requirements and ICES accessibility goals and achievements described in the multi-year accessibility plan.


Mary Neilans

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