cover image: New Technologies Challenge Freedom of Thought: Cases and Directions for Research


New Technologies Challenge Freedom of Thought: Cases and Directions for Research

10 Jan 2024

We have embraced it as a means to enhance our decision making for daily activities ranging from our means of transportation to our place of work, our choices and locations for our meals, the extent of physical activity we need, and the type of news or information we consume. [...] issues, and that social media is linked to suicide, depression and anxiety.2 The impact of social media The impact of TikTok on freedom of thought is also on mental health is an ongoing concern, with of concern. [...] In and suicide to some teens within a matter of the absence of protective mechanisms, the most minutes of their joining the platform. [...] Today, however, new, the Cambridge Analytica scandal revealed the emergence of generative AI and innovative the effectiveness of social media as a platform tools such as ChatGPT have democratized through which to manipulate unsuspecting access to the transformative power of AI. [...] One of the implications: most concerning aspects of generative AI in the → Canon Information Technology’s Beijing office context of freedom of thought is the increasing employs a system that mandates employees difficulty for users to discern between real and to smile into a camera for building entry.
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