timeframes to achieve meaningful engagement All four records8,9,11,18 emphasized the challenges Toolkit Decision-making was shared mainly throughout and build community trust.8,11,18 of linking the impact of the engagement planning the process,9,11,18 although the engagements were Many records addressed the importance of processes to the quality of the partnership and References time-limited. [...] Studies recommended the use of formal an effective form of engagement on complex policy evaluation frameworks to measure the success of issues; however, attention to the group’s makeup in an engagement, in addition to descriptive feedback terms of size, knowledge and representativeness to reduce bias and address these challenges and is key to arriving at relevant decision-making.18 gaps in the fut. [...] for the MOH or OH, and how the MOH or OH engagement and acknowledging the emotional The sustainability of programs for underserved will establish meaningful relationships with burden that engagement can sometimes place on populations depends on resources and funding, communities that maintain accountability for the communities. [...] The purpose, can be demonstrated to a community through an tables do not have the capacity, funding or extra goals and objectives should be written with ongoing commitment to sustainable partnerships, staff to continue the work and put programs the needs of the community in mind and an continued funding and resources and establishing into action. [...] Part of these one that would need to be co-designed with the Methodology discussions about giving information should Meaningful engagement with underserved communities themselves and more carefully include information on the benefits and risks of populations is important not only in understanding considered to ensure a sustainable process with data collection and use and an explanation of the the.
- Pages
- 65
- Published in
- Canada