cover image: Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Service Provision and Access in Times of Crisis


Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Service Provision and Access in Times of Crisis

29 Jan 2024

Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Service Provision and Access in Times of Crisis Acknowledgements The project is a partnership between WomanACT, the University of Guelph, and the Community Engaged Teaching and Learning program at the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (University of Guelph). [...] The challenges to delivering services related to gender-based violence are attributed to the government’s COVID-19 management measures and the de-prioritization of this sector (2,1,3). [...] Interventions for service delivery 28.6% 36.7% Collaborations and Changes in Service Innovations Provision 34.7% COVID Management Protocols 4 COVID-19 and COVID-19 and Intimate Partner services Violence COVID-19 management measures, which The second issue was the failure to categorize included social distancing, shelter-in-place GBV/IPV services as essential from the onset of orders, and isolation. [...] Remote services • Remote service delivery required access were easier for abusers to track and control, to and knowledge of computer and making it harder for survivors to seek and access internet usage. [...] The shadow pandemic: A qualitative exploration of the impacts of COVID-19 on service providers and women survivors of intimate partner violence and brain injury.
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