cover image: Joint Federal-Provincial Regulation of Marine Wind Energy Development


Joint Federal-Provincial Regulation of Marine Wind Energy Development

24 Jan 2024

This report highlights four, suggesting that the amendments proposed in Bill C-49 could be revised to: expand the purpose section of Part III of the Accord i Acts to contextualize the new mandate of the CNSOER; clarify the intention of the regional assessment and strategic assessment provisions of the Bill; require the CNSOER to conduct regional assessments, strategic environmental assessments, an. [...] Under the 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf—which is what the courts relied on in the reference cases described in this report—the continental shelf was defined as “the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas adjacent to the coast but outside the area of the territorial sea, to a depth of 200 metres or, beyond that limit, to where the depth of the superjacent waters admits of the e. [...] The Government of Newfoundland submitted its question first, asking the NLCA for its opinion on whether “the lands, mines, minerals, royalties or other rights, including the right to explore and exploit and the right to legislate, with respect to the mineral and other natural resources of the seabed and subsoil from the ordinary low-water mark of the Province of Newfoundland to the seaward limit o. [...] This report highlights four, suggesting that the amendments proposed in Bill C-49 could be revised to: expand the purpose section of Part III of the Accord Acts to contextualize the new mandate of the CNSOER; clarify the intention of the RA and SA provisions of the Bill; require the CNSOER to conduct RAs, SEAs, and EAs in specified circumstances and impose associated requirements and guidelines fo. [...] 4.4.1 Expand the Purpose Section of Part III of the Accord Acts to Contextualize the New Mandate of the CNSOER Bill C-49 proposes to amend the purpose section of Part III of the Federal Accord Act by including a reference to offshore renewable energy projects, but this reference, as proposed, is limited to the “safety” mandate set out in this part of the Act.
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