cover image: Mark Schaan, Senior ADM, ISED


Mark Schaan, Senior ADM, ISED

19 Jan 2024

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is the country’s largest business association with an active network of nearly 400 chambers of commerce and boards of trade representing nearly 200,000 businesses of all sizes, in all sectors and regions of our country. [...] Members of the Canadian Chamber’s newly formed Future of AI Council are particularly focused on proactively supporting federal AI policy, and advocating for policies that will establish AI as a positive economic force through the responsible development, deployment, and use of AI in business. [...] We are committed to working with government to encourage Canadian-led innovation and to integrate AI into business in a responsible manner that profoundly increases economic productivity and growth, thus benefiting the lives of Canadians across the country. [...] Given that generative AI will significantly impact the global economy and financial markets, the Chamber supports the government’s action to review the Canadian Copyright Act2 (the “Act”) and how it applies to AI systems, and how text and data mining (“TDM”) activity and the training of AI using copyright- protected works can legally function in Canada. [...] • AI innovation is in its infancy and the pace of innovation is only accelerating, making it difficult to predict what the technological landscape will look like even in the near future.


Michelle Croteau

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