cover image: Modernizing energy sector planning and oversight for a net-zero world - How Canadian provinces can use pathway assessments, net-zero energy strategies,


Modernizing energy sector planning and oversight for a net-zero world - How Canadian provinces can use pathway assessments, net-zero energy strategies,

16 Feb 2024

of updated and public information concerning the Clean Energy Canada / Modernizing energy sector planning and oversight for a net-zero world 3 Regulatory frameworks lack the flexibility The modernization of governance structures and 5 required: Similar to governance, the regulatory regulatory landscapes is necessary for energy structures that are used by regulators, utilities, regulators, utilitie. [...] Integrating climate and net-zero objectives into the 1 mandates of regulators, system operators, and utilities Experts across the energy landscape have consistently highlighted that addressing the “uncertainty around highlighted the lack of alignment between a the future of carbon and emission targets” was critical government’s climate objectives and the policy direction in order to guide grid inv. [...] new regulatory framework to support DERs was one of the top priorities of the state’s original energy One of the most consequential changes of the energy transformation strategy.26 transition is the move from an overwhelmingly centralized energy system with few actors to an increasingly Canadian provinces need to greatly increase the role of decentralized one as distributed energy resources and di. [...] In Massachusetts, the Department of Public Utilities issued a new order that places major constraints on the expansion of the gas system, ultimately working toward the establishment of a new regulatory structure that aligns the natural gas system with the net-zero objectives of the state. [...] ** Ontario is in the midst of a number of processes aimed at reforming its approach to energy planning, including a OEB/IESO-led effort to increase the integration of DERs, and the government’s review of its approach to long term energy planning where the EETP has explicitly referenced a stronger role for local energy planning.
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