cover image: What Factors Can Public Health Actors Consider to Facilitate the Borrowing of a Public Policy?


What Factors Can Public Health Actors Consider to Facilitate the Borrowing of a Public Policy?

29 Jan 2024

This document from the National Collaborating Center for Healthy Public Policy, based on a review of the literature, presents the factors that favor the importation of public policies. When public health actors propose policy options to decision-makers to address public health problems, they may include in their proposals policies that have been shown to be effective in other jurisdictions – that is, they may recommend import these policies. In addition to a structured list of factors, this document describes how public health actors can use these factors to assess the relevance of proposing the importation of foreign policies and, where appropriate, mobilize these factors when presenting these policies. to decision-makers.
ncchpp, national collaborating centre for healthy public policy, public health,


Ludwine Tchatat - Florence Morestin

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