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OPPI CPL FAQ’s - What is CPL? Who is required to complete CPL?

6 Feb 2024

• What does it mean to “carry forward” learning units? o Once a member has met the requirement of 18 learning units for the year, any additional organized and structured learning units they claim, up to a maximum of nine (9), may be carried forward and claimed in the next CPL cycle. [...] • What happens to my CPL when I return to practice after being in the Non- Practicing membership category? o Generally, members are assigned a pro-rated requirement to meet, commensurate to the number of months remaining in the year. [...] o If an individual is removed from the member register for CPL non-compliance and they wish to return to OPPI membership, they must request in writing to the Professional Standards & Registration Committee (PS&RC) of OPPI to be reinstated as a member and explain the circumstances that led to their non- compliance of the CPL standard. [...] o Members with findings are re-audited the following year and if findings are made in the second audit, the member will be asked to provide either updated claims for those learning units, or to claim new learning units that align with the requirements of the Program Guide. [...] If the member does not comply with this request, they are placed in the CPL non-compliance track, are assessed a $250 CPL penalty fee, and will not be invited to renew their membership until the penalty fee is paid and CPL claims amended to the Program Guide’s requirements.


Ryan Des Roches

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