cover image: Mexican Cartels and the FTO Debate - February 2024


Mexican Cartels and the FTO Debate - February 2024

21 Feb 2024

The aim of this paper is to explain the stages of an FTO designation, and the roles of the various government stakeholders involved. [...] STAGE Clearance The administrative record draft is first Department of Justice 3 Process reviewed by the Secretary of State´s (Attorney General) Office of the Legal Adviser and by the Department of Justice (Attorney General) Department of and the Department of Treasury. [...] STAGE Congressional If the Secretary of State decides to Secretary of State 5 Notification proceed, then he or she shall notify in writing of the intent to designate an and organization as an FTO, together with the findings made by CT concerning that specific members organization and the factual basis within a of Congress period of 7 days before the designation is formally carried out, to the foll. [...] STAGE Federal The Department of State publishes the Department of State 6 Register FTO designation in the Federal Register Notice for the designation to be adequate for and purposes of penalties. [...] In broad terms, the Kingpin Act requires that the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) coordinate to identify drug kingpins and recommend them to the President for sanction.


Samantha Hargy

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