Minutes of 2023 Earth Science Articulation Meeting - Hosted by Langara College

Minutes of 2023 Earth Science Articulation Meeting - Hosted by Langara College

21 Feb 2024

Duncan suggests posters to explain career paths in Earth Science to go to high school Guidance Counsellors. [...] Craig suggests getting Education students to job-shadow a TA in Earth Science to give them some background. [...] UBC EOS is going to petition the Dean to add Earth Science as a 1st year requirement for science students – paired with a flexibility for required 1st year sciences (e.g. [...] Also discussion of inclusion of Environmental Studies/Science Articulation committee for at least one year, possibly ongoing joint or co-timing of meetings to allow people in both groups to attend both in one trip. [...] Martin@kpu.ca BCIT; Russell Hartlaub russell_hartlaub@bcit.ca Action: Duncan/Jerome to look over list of institutions not represented and reach out to departments to inquire about representatives.



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