cover image: Africa Year In Review 2023

Africa Year In Review 2023

31 Jan 2024

We have multiple essays across the publication that focus on AGOA’s impact and renewal, as well as changing trade dynamics in Africa and globally, including the expansion of BRICS and the continued implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and what these mean for the future of Africa and US-Africa partnership.  Tumultuous elections in Africa have marked 2023. [...] Moreover, the US contribution to the corridor includes some $900 million in Export-Import (EXIM) Bank financing for energy projects, the construction of which will enable the processing of raw materials envisioned in the memorandum of understanding between the United States, the DRC, and Zambia to develop an electric vehicle battery value chain. [...] Without modifications to the cut-off policy, the United States is hampered in efforts to be a player in coup- afflicted states, to our detriment and certainly to the detriment of the citizens of those nations. [...] It is either that the judiciary is described as a bastion of democracy and the last hope of the common man by the party that won post-election disputes in courts, or that the party which lost denigrates judiciary.    Nigerians will desire the United States to assist in the country’s hitch-free trial of election disputes and not delay evidence in its custody, which may influence the course of justi. [...] First, Ethiopia has yet to recover from the costly war in Tigray, and the Amhara region has seen a recent escalation of violence between the Fano militia and federal forces in and around the cities of Gonder, Bahir Dar, and Lalibela.

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