Child care centres and family child care for children aged 0 – 12 are licensed under the Early Learning and Child Care Act and regulated under the Early Learning and Child Care Regulations. [...] A child with special needs is not defined simply by the presence of a developmental or physical REGuLATED CHILD CARE disability but includes many factors such as the child’s Child care centres lived experiences and developmental competencies in Child care centres provide care in a group setting for less the areas of social, physical, cognitive, health and well- than 24 hours/day for seven or more. [...] sation framework for staff in regulated child care was funded through the Canada-Nova Scotia Canada-Wide Note: Orientation for Staff Working in Licensed Child Care Facilities is a series of 16 free online informational modules and activities for child care Early Learning and Child Care Agreement. [...] regulated under the Early Learning and Child Care Act and the Early Learning and Child Care Regulations. [...] OrganizatiOns and advisOry grOuPs Association of Early Childhood Educators Nova Scotia Child Care Now Nova Scotia MINISTER’S EARLy LEARNING AND CHILD CARE ENGAGEMENT TAbLE The table brings together a broad and diverse group of individuals from across the province, to inform, engage on and support issues and initiatives related to the transformation of Nova Scotia’s early learning and child care sy.