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Conversations About - Dementia and Living Alone CONTENTS

29 Feb 2024

Should the person with dementia continue living alone? When deciding if a person with dementia is able to continue living alone, it is important to engage the person with dementia in these conversations where possible. [...] In an emergency situation, such as a fire, would the person be able to call for help, or have the ability to leave their home without assistance? Can the person live at home without posing a risk to others? An example of risk might be living in an apartment and regularly causing fires with the stove or cigarettes. [...] If the person had an accident, such as a fall, do they have the physical and cognitive ability to get to a safe place or to use an alert system to call for help? Is a home safety assessment needed? Can the person remember to eat regular meals or to reheat meals? Is the person able to maintain a healthy weight? Is the person able to store foods properly so they they don’t spoil? Can the person hand. [...] 6 Conversations About Dementia and Living Alone Daily living The following are strategies to help the person with dementia manage personal hygiene, remain physically and socially stimulated throughout the day, and have an emergency system in place in case they need help: STRATEGY BENEFITS THINGS TO CONSIDER Implement an emergency • The person has 24-hour • The person may not be able to understand. [...] Get someone to help with • Someone is in the home • The person with dementia may be reluctant to practical tasks, such as to supervise activity and accept help.
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