cover image: Navigating the nuances of the Canadian guideline’s stance on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in concurrent alcohol use disorder and mood or anxiety disorders


Navigating the nuances of the Canadian guideline’s stance on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in concurrent alcohol use disorder and mood or anxiety disorders

1 Mar 2024

Navigating the nuances of the Canadian guideline’s stance on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in concurrent alcohol use disorder and mood or anxiety disorders Letters Navigating the nuances of the drinking outcomes among those on trazo- References Canadian guideline’s stance on done than those on placebo but excluded 1. [...] Canadian Guideline for the clinical management among those with late-onset AUD, although of high-risk drinking and alcohol use disorder. [...] dence that antidepressants increased Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) task force recom- The complete AUD guideline provides ab stinence and reduced heavy drinking mendations for the management of patients with an expanded rationale, stating that recom- among patients with AUD and depression. [...] A double- hol use.”2 We agree that prescribers should important caveat and reflects the complex blind, randomized trial of sertraline for alcohol pause before starting SSRIs in the context decision-making required in a hetero- dependence: moderation by age of onset [cor- rected] and 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter- of AUD with comorbid anxiety or mood dis- geneous population, incorporating con- li. [...] Antidepressants for work for Mood and Anxiety Treatments task vigilance is required in monitoring for bene- the treatment of people with co-occurring depression and alcohol dependence.
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