cover image: Concerns regarding the recommendation against prescribing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the Canadian guideline for the clinical management of high-risk drinking and alcohol use disorder


Concerns regarding the recommendation against prescribing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the Canadian guideline for the clinical management of high-risk drinking and alcohol use disorder

1 Mar 2024

Concerns regarding the recommendation against prescribing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the Canadian guideline for the clinical management of high-risk drinking and alcohol use disorder Letters Concerns regarding the care models for substance use and men- David Crockford MD recommendation against tal health treatment have also shown Psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry, prescribing. [...] Canadian The Canadian guideline by Wood and col- and colleagues10–13 show fluoxetine’s per- guideline for the clinical management of high- leagues1 on the management of high-risk sistent efficacy in reducing depressive risk drinking and alcohol use disorder. [...] Sertraline treatment for alcohol dependence: leagues2 and Friedmann and colleagues,3 The guideline’s recommendation interactive effects of medication and alcoholic subtype. [...] Does travel grants from the Canadian Psychiatric Asso- funding from the CIHR, the Ontario Ministry of comorbid substance use disorder impair recov- ciation (CPA), the Canadian Society of Addiction Health and Long-Term Care, Health Canada, the ery from major depression with SSRI treatment? Medicine, the American Psychiatric Association, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Discovery An analysis o. [...] He reports honoraria from McGill of concurrent substance use disorder on the effect- nal of Addiction, board member with the Inter- University Health Centre and travel awards from iveness of single and combination antidepressant national Society of Addiction Journal Editors, and the Society of Biological Psych iatry and the Inter- medications for the treatment of major depression: co-chair of the.
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