cover image: FACTSHEET - Whirling Disease About Identification Legal Status Ecological Characteristics Distribution


FACTSHEET - Whirling Disease About Identification Legal Status Ecological Characteristics Distribution

22 Feb 2024

Legal Status Whirling disease is listed as a Prevent species on the BC Ecological Characteristics Priority Species list, meaning that the disease is determined Life Cycle: The cycle begins with the release of parasite spores to be high risk to BC and has not yet been established. [...] The spores The management objective in this stage is to prevent the are then ingested by the parasite’s first host, a common introduction and establishment. [...] The or suspects whirling disease in the aquatic animals they own TAMs are free to infect further worms or infect a salmonid or work with is required by law to notify the Canadian Food host through ingesting the infected worms or by TAMs in the Inspection Agency (CFIA). [...] Once in the Distribution salmonid host, the parasite moves to the nerve tissue and Originating in Europe, whirling disease was first identified begins feeding on cartilage in the central nervous system as in North America in Pennsylvania in 1956. [...] (2009) Whirling disease in the United remember that the disease can live in mud and water.
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