cover image: Traditional definitions of energy poverty focus only on economic factors. However, energy poverty is also defined by social factors like income, housing status, and location. By expanding the definition of energy poverty to include these social facto

Traditional definitions of energy poverty focus only on economic factors. However, energy poverty is also defined by social factors like income, housing status, and location. By expanding the definition of energy poverty to include these social facto

22 Feb 2024

By expanding the definition of energy poverty to include these social factors, we can understand and deal with the problem more effectively. [...] What is energy poverty? Energy poverty in Canada is commonly defined as households that spend about six per cent or more of their after-tax income on home energy services. [...] 2 “A just transition is highly risky for households facing energy poverty who enter into the energy transition at a disadvantage” - Middlemiss, 2022 The Social Aspects of Energy Poverty The age and condition of the house play a role in energy. [...] Energy-saving technologies and appliances can lower energy usage, and it is important to make these solutions widely available to help reduce energy poverty. [...] By switching to a more efficient heating option, households can reduce their energy expenses and mitigate the risk of energy poverty, ultimately improving their financial stability and well-being.


Corey Robichaud

Published in