cover image: Non-Profit SMART Grants: Stream 2 - Renewable Energy & Improvements to Buildings 2024 Program Guide

Non-Profit SMART Grants: Stream 2 - Renewable Energy & Improvements to Buildings 2024 Program Guide

6 Mar 2024

How much will the Trust fund and which types of projects and costs are eligible? The cumulative maximum grant amount for Non-Profit SMART Grants for Stream 1 and Stream 2 is $200,000 total per applicant. [...] Eligible projects for Stream 2 must fit at least one of the following categories: Renewable Energy Generation Eligible Project Costs The purchase and installation of solar photovoltaic arrays (Arrays) on buildings, structures or property that are owned or leased by the non-profit or First Nation. [...] Improvements to Buildings or Property Eligible Project Costs Improvements to buildings, structures, or property owned or leased on a long-term basis by the non-profit or First Nation that: • improve the energy efficiency while demonstrating a positive return on investment; • result in a measurable reduction of GHG emissions produced by your organization; and/ or • increase resiliency and reduce vu. [...] How does the Trust select projects for funding? The Trust often receives requests for more funding than what is available and will prioritize requests from eligible applicants that demonstrate: • the project meets the program eligibility listed above; • significant and measurable project impacts that align with the program intent; • readiness to move forward in the stated timelines; • planning for. [...] The Trust retains the right to determine project eligibility and the amount of funding allocated to each project; this may be all or part of what was requested.


Tyson Stoochnoff

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