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29 Feb 2024

OF GOvErnmEnT” 9 The emissions reductions from changing the All of these policy interventions can be built environment of our towns and cities is achieved with the program design of enabled by robust public transit service and the Permanent Public Transit Fund and infrastructure and has the greatest impact negotiated infrastructure settlements with among all policy measures. [...] Instead of how frequently the service is running, grinding our cities to a halt with gridlock, and we cannot be building public transit we can instead choose to grow public infrastructure in a sea of low density single- transit systems and leverage infrastructure detached homes. [...] investments to shift the built form of our cities to support higher public transit The federal government should attach use, less traffic, housing abundance and strings to public transit investments to zero emissions mobility that is universally drive multiple outcomes and encourage accessible to all. [...] Link hOusinG OuTCOmEs TO puBLiC TrAnsiT invEsTmEnTs • Require all public transit funding agreements with major cities to include ‘Supportive Policies Agreements’ with land- use standards such as pre-zoned housing density minimums near public transit and the elimination of minimum parking requirements. [...] AdvAnCE EquiTy GOALs wiTh puBLiC TrAnsiT • Help public transit systems adapt to post-pandemic travel patterns and better serve the travel patterns of equity- seeking groups by supporting the increase of transit service outside of peak periods.
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