cover image: Pesticides and human health : PEI health and pesticide use



Pesticides and human health : PEI health and pesticide use

28 Sep 2015

The PAF can be defined as the “proportional reduction in average disease risk over a specified time interval that would be achieved by eliminating the exposure of interest from the population while distributions of other risk factors in the population remain unchanged”.(1) The PAF was calculated using the following formula 1 where pe is the proportion of the source population exposed to the factor [...] Age groupings available for this information were 15 to 24 years, 25 to 54 years and 55 years and up.(4) 1. RR (Risk Ratio) is the ratio of the risk of disease in the exposed group to the risk of disease in the non-exposed group. [...] Page 11 of 26 Pesticides and human health The PAF varies between 0.6 and 1.3% for women and 2.8 to 5.5% for men for agricultural pesticide exposures, depending on the specific type of pesticide exposure, meaning that between 0.6% and 5.5% of the PD in the population may be attributed to agricultural pesticide exposure. [...] The PAF for general pesticide exposure is estimated to be between 7.7 and 20.1%, meaning that between 7.7 and 20.1% of the PD in the population may be attributed to general pesticide exposure. [...] For paternal pesticide exposure, the low exposure PAF is 3.5% and the high exposure PAF is 9.7%, meaning that up to 9.7% of the pediatric leukemia in the pediatric population may be attributed to paternal pesticide exposure.
health agriculture environment risk assessment pesticides pesticide cancer chemicals medicine medical specialisation amyotrophic lateral sclerosis medical profession health treatment diseases and conditions aml acute myeloid leukemia attributable risk pediatric cancer childhood cancer exposure (photography) chronic myelogenous leukemia risk ratio glyphosate childhood cancers pediatric cancers


Sanford, Carolyn, Morrison, Heather, Sabapathy, David, Gaudreau, Katherine

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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