cover image: Cancer data linkage in Manitoba


Cancer data linkage in Manitoba

21 Dec 2015

Objectives The objectives were: 1. To apply data quality evaluation tools developed at MCHP to the Manitoba Cancer Registry data to assess fitness of these data for cancer–related research involving linked data in the Repository; 2. To investigate additional measures of data quality that are relevant to the linkage of cancer registry and administrative data in the Repository; and 3. To conduct dem [...] Key Findings The application of the MCHP Data Quality Framework to the Manitoba Cancer Registry data revealed a high degree of completeness of the data; there were very few data fields with missing or invalid observations, indicating that the data are thoroughly checked prior to release. [...] The demonstration projects provided the investigators with an in–depth understanding of the challenges and benefits associated with the anonymized linkage of Manitoba Cancer Registry data to administrative health data in the Repository housed at MCHP. [...] UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA, FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES page xvi The Manitoba Cancer Registry data undergo systematic quality evaluations prior to their integration into the Canadian Cancer Registry and in order to achieve certification from the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. [...] Linkage of cancer registry data to secondary data sources can also be used to evaluate the quality of data fields within a cancer registry and to ensure a high degree of completeness of case capture.


Lix, Lisa Marie, Griffith, Jane, Hong, Say, Turner, Donna Ranneris, Prior, Heather J, Ahmed, Rashid, Smith, Mark, Pitz, Marshall, Banerjee, Ankona, Koseva, Ina, Kulbaba, Christina, Quon, Harvey

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Ottawa, Ontario

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