cover image: Framing the future : Définir notre avenir : vers une économie faible en carbone



Framing the future : Définir notre avenir : vers une économie faible en carbone

17 Oct 2012

A global transition to a low-carbon economy is afoot. Markets for low-carbon goods and services (LCGS) are expanding. The upward trend in global investments in renewable and "clean" energy weathered the economic downturn of 2008 and 2009 and remains strong, with investments growing by 30% over the past two years. Nations are seeking first-mover advantages in this global transition. Several have issued lowcarbon growth plans, aiming to reduce the energy and emissions intensity of their economies all the while building on their existing competitive advantage. Carbon is increasingly a factor in global trade. Absent a cohesive global climate regime, countries are starting to employ trade measures to limit the entry of highcarbon goods and help achieve objectives for mitigating domestic emissions.
environmental policy greenhouse gas mitigation carbon dioxide mitigation
9781100212654 9781100212647
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