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NDP 2010 : NPD 2010 : un changement practique et responsible : une voix pour la classe moyenne à votre Assemblée législative

21 Sep 2010

Even though our public services and infrastructure are under threat from irresponsible Conservative and Liberal management, we have an opportunity to change direction, and to make this a province that serves as an example to the rest of Canada and to the rest of the world. [...] An NDP voice in the Legislature is the only way to make sure the Conservatives and Liberals don’t try to cut health and education. [...] In addition to protecting the jobs of front-line health and education workers, the NDP will work to make our health and education systems more efficient and focused on the needs of patients and students, not well-paid private consultants. [...] The NDP will address the structural problems in our economy honestly, openly, and will involve the people of the province in a structured discussion that will lead to firm decisions on the direction we should take. [...] But these aren’t solutions; the Conservatives and Liberals are passing the costs from the province to the municipalities.
health education politics economics economy insurance taxation tax system business employers employment equal pay for equal work forestry labour child protection pension taxes jobs deficit tax credit further education job society cigarette conservative party (uk) atlantic salmon nb power pay equity
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